
to this platform

what if a cons

came along that was deplatformed

a huge success

and so it comes to an end

Over 5 years

That is the inspirational leadership we need.

Texas, always bigger

We cant at the moment

That doesn't apply to much to this.

It's not simply light, Its time as well

We don't see that.

banksters and vulture. capitalists

Oh the demise of regulation

Some of the constraints

Permissions, permissions, permissions.

the couch

Some guys have all the luck

Feeling the years are we?

Much better

How much of this is public.

That capability does not exist at this stage

Sounds like an ambulans

Sycophants and acolytes

But brown closer to home

A juristic person, another image of man

Some people will stop at nothing

The global financial system, its loopy

It's extremely powerful

Ebb and flow

A natural consequence of the collapse of colonialism

This is now private and owned

It all works out in the end

Which enables shareholder capital

Happy hour is all night long

the breaking of the day

George is taking strain

With the greatest of care

Now that was tough

the bomb came into play

Nearly missed out there

Not based on the letter of the law

Why do some people not listen?

There would need to be an establishment of jurisdiction.

A counter attack in the south west

Upside down and inside out thats how things are

All it is is making it narrower, not broader.

Connection role could work

If we are to be totally considerate

Rustling the leaves at night.

Pipelines are laid

Just hyping, manipulating and milking for the most part.

Big game soon

Work is the best antidepressant

Thoroughly amazing stuff

It can't be that hard

Majorly in. a major way

to keep the flow of resources and capital flowing

Not a pretty sight for a battle planner

My my there is more to the story

Its cold out there.

How hard is it to do an import?

To keep things flowing.

That seems fine to me

Bone crunching that was

Has the world not suffered enough?

Like sucking parasites

as an attacking force you need numbers of 3 to 1

Perhaps not says I

They just have a view

A recycled plastic marketplace, novel concept

For a comprehensive consideration of the matter

It could go either way

Gate motors are complex gadgets

Some bad apples?

Howling at the moon

Is that prescribed

The plot thickens with criminal element involvement

The slaughter of chocolate not so fun in the end

the new day brings?

Not too much not too little

Very, very carefully.

And so the party starts

Why would somebody do that?

All some people can do is stir

Polar winds moving in apparently

Oh when will the meeting start?

What to do, what to do.

a wet signature is a valid review

We need to consider those that contribute.

oh how far they have come in so few years

things must be marked for a specific purpose

bros or sistas, very interesting

More types of people are available with time and skills to volunteer

The stone was cut out without hands

The cold war down south... not heard about much

Oh the fate of the ostrich

Should I stay or should I go now?

Banking cash is not applicable

a glorious morning crept over the mountain

exceptions, explanations, requests and completion

you may not need to amend anything

You're the one that I want

You have the grant!

Charge them with treason

bottlebanks, who would have thought

There could be so many scenarios

Some places the rules are still followed

10c per bottle is doable

always ensure and update promptly

The battle of the Lomba

Things did not fall appart everywhere

This is truly nuts

Solitary aught to chill them out

We were going to go ahead anyways

I'm going to miss that guy

creeping things
in two

With air superiority on one side

I can't really say what to think on this matter

in what way?

Russel tying himself up in knots

When will all this end?

No milk in PET, interesting concept.

That sounds very straight forward

what a bargain

The cold war is over, the war on terror began

Consequences sober people up far better than anything else

would that be?

The more things change the more they stay the same

Cold morning and a flat battery

and so it continues

Wherever we are we can rise, even if only slightly

So much of a success

When in Rome do as the romans do

Who can tell what will occur

much much quieter today

If they are organised then there must be some kind of leadership

Hopefully not more pain and suffering

That sounds like a plan

Sometimes much more so...

Ancient slavery, not so different from modern slavery

Light at the end of the tunnel

hopefully quieter today

liguids and gasses have greater degrees of freedom and higher entropy than solids

And then some!

Moon, Mars and Venus all close in the sky.

Attacking communication infrastructure now too

What comes around goes around

Cash is king, and the king is missing

But very tough for those down south

letting the instigators know they are on to them appears to be working

Cash machines are not being refilled

Heavily orchestrated it is for sure

In the cold grey light of dawn things look very different

We can only hope... but signs are positive

a belly slider

To what depths will they sink next?

What can one say?

perhaps not just yet

What would happen then

it's been a long run

Corporate tyrannies

Time to depart

And perpetuate the empire

What is still outstanding?

We need some transactions in it.

Activity can be spontaneous.

Hip jarring and cartilage grinding that was

I hadn't admitted them

until we get off

Somewhat unnecessary and alleviated by combing all of these

Reasonable and justifiable to assume this is the way it will work

the grass is somewhat greener on that side

Immortal, but unaccountable but to shareholders

Rent seekers of note

What a joke

The tech makes the end user the controller.

We all have a common purpose

And many cycles of it

We would run towards the fire.

That would be so much more fun

That's not me.

The rest is history

WAWA West Africa wins again

Citizens are not supposed to be bystanders

On that broader understanding, generally speaking that is what will apply

There is no extraterritorial application.

shuffling deck chairs on the titanic

The principles are being followed

That all through him might ransomed be.

These things need to be thought through

and then deny in the clear light of day

Becoming obscenely wealthy while not producing a physical product

The dousing must continue

after a porcupine visit

Sustained returns?

Peak and trough

The rise of corporations and financialisation

Or just take notes

But worse inside sometimes

The so and so's

Settle down son... that's got to be a classic

The oldest empire collapsed

The plants need water

What is the use case?

To vaccinate or not to vaccinate... That is the question.

Or it could be got all wrong

we can both be winners

Bolder jumping like a jack rabbit

Add no real value

Nuclear tends to escalate or de-escalate

Somewhat like an elephant gun to a mosquito

I rolled forth

Why would we do that?

Subsidies are possible

And keep all stakeholders in mind

Not so sure about that!

nose to tail bunny

Do we think so?

Things are improving

Bread and circuses of old just in a new wrapper

That is quite frequent

Jy moet rond krap

Can the phoenix rise from the ashes?

As part of that, is it public.

Stirring of the pot

The counter must be blocked

It cant really be that hard can it?

the gold light of dawn

But at the right pressure

Under a cloak of all kinds of excuses

The ban is lifted

through the doodsakker

Crunching the numbers

They were outnumbered 4 to 1

a regional HQ

Up or down, round and round

QUI Bono?

A mighty superpower was broken on the banks of a little river

In the middle of the day

Success at last

But still the race narrative is projected by the media

When valves are stuck?

crisp and clear with brisk trimmings

It's not like its that rewarding

The taps are flowing again

You can't be serious

temperatures are dropping tonight

Thank you for your service

An important function for sure

Traditional roles are changing

Talks about talks

We may end up like a Uganda

now that is split out ready for the next review

No verification is required for now

With its proverbial head in the sand

CIA and Soviets up to their dirty tricks

deep learning and deep nostalgia... check it out

tonnage is going up

How do we handle that due to covid restrictions

that document needs to be found for sure and promptly

Catch the instigators

The largest tank. battle in Africa nobody has heard of

And reach for our dreams, if we dare to dream them

Lock em up and throw away the keys

There needs to be a substantive reason for such exceptions

Tomorrow is only a day away

Here we go again

fish and fowl operate in 3 dimensions

By then we should know.

This is done before the next review meeting

to sup at our table

What can I SAY MORE

Amazing, absolutely amazing

Long trip today over 400K's

Followed by Quito Cuanevalle

Markets are down, variants are worrying people

What will happen next, only time will tell

enjoy the rewards

There are looter on the streets

Lucy creeps around

People have the capacity to rise above their circumstances

really really really

and bring a userbase

That would depend on how you look at things.

Madness absolute madness I tell you.

Or have to trek very far for food

Shelves are empty. Panic buying has set in again

All because of a bunch of terrorists

So much infrastructure ruined

Their gravy train was about to be derailed

Now people will be going hungry

Would we receive them

Oil on the floor, now that is a classic

Ready to travel

When thing are co-ordinated then they must be organised

A calm an quiet day to start the new week

turn this into

what could be the ways to address this

with open arms

It's a free for all

Wow, what a marvellous experience

The wheel turns and when it does the top is at the bottom

thats one crazy day behind us

I wonder what today will bring

Triple conjunction tonight

now you see it, then you dont

invite them in

oh the joys

Meals on wheels will really be necessary now

Ben going at it again

This cannot have arisen spontaneously

Again the morning dawns on a new day

Much better now it seems

still getting quieter

An attempted coup it seems

Had a bit of a bond going there

When people are hungry, what will they do?

Tattle tailing to mommy to try to scapegoat another

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