
Hey there buddy :)
I'm not sure if you know, but drugwars take 35% of your rewards... without stating that anywhere :(

35%? For what, the rewards that come from these posts that display your payout or do they dip into ones whole account?

I see on his page here 12.5% is

I looked on this page for this post and would the amount doled out to rewards other than yourself on a post be displayed here? I am genuinely curious, is there a post about this claim?

I just looked and saw the 12.5% as well. I can screenshot and post myself for free if 35% is being taken.
Screenshot_2019-03-14 Check my latest fight erodedthoughts vs upper-class by erodedthoughts Steem.png

I'd be down with 15% as it is a click button post but I'll screenshot my own shit for 35%

That is how you PIMP legit! Don't even tell your hoe's your taking their dough!

Congratulations @erodedthoughts ! Your fight received an upvote of 1.3% from the King Dealer as incentive for your activity and as a gratitude for your support to the game.
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