
Congratulations @dearw ! Your fight received an upvote of 1.6% from the King Dealer as incentive for your activity and as a gratitude for your support to the game.
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Looks like interesting fight... :P hahaha

Yes, it was, but I don't why he's assuming that. Hahahaha

Posted using Partiko Android

I don't understand what's going on in that picture, can you explain please?

Thanks :-)


Yes, of course I do. I think he/she believes I'm part of a gang or something, but I'm not... So, he/she's is telling me I forgot to add a ":)" message when we fought

Posted using Partiko Android

Ah ok thanks, and did you win the fight?


Yes, I did :) . Have u heard about DrugWars?

Posted using Partiko Android

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