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RE: Is Marijuana Addictive?
Were You Able to Easily Check CBD Content
you would have found a strong correlation to your activities with it. There are mental issues (most commonly ones we're unaware of) which are greatly alleviated by CBD. The effects of CBD, once it's built up in the system, also take a few days to fade once usage stops.
When you run across cannabis which you seem to spend all day consuming, you're going to find it's very low on CBD. You know that sack you take a toke of and forget about for hours on end? This stuff will most likely test higher in CBD content.
This is all becoming clearer, especially as more data rolls in from recreational states where people are inclined to tell the truth about cannabis.
Go Be Awesome! :D
I've smoked weed and concentrate throughout the entire spectrum of THC:CBD content. When I do smoke I buy it medicinally, and this information is readily available to the consumer. I've even smoked CBD by itself alongside high thc strains. The result is always the same. The truth of the matter is that weed isn't the healthiest activity for everyone, regardless of how you think people need to "use it to their advantage." I know myself to be one of these people. Maybe you're not, I don't know you. However all the power to you if you aren't. I'm just saying that it's not a universally benign thing to do, which a lot of people seem to have trouble accepting.
What You're Missing Is Exposure to Truly Clean Cannabis
because it's a singular experience you will not forget. Yes, cannabis is healthy and benign, save a few extreme examples of nature (who always shows her devious side, at one point or another), while what you truly are avoiding are contaminates.
You Can Smoke Bongloads 24/7/365
and never come down with even the most occasional and tiny cough from impurities. When it's grown properly. Commercial cannabis is contaminated. You buy your cannabis so, unless it's from someone like me growing it, you're consuming contaminated cannabis. Period. Zero room for argument.
When You Work With Clean Cannabis You're
working in a completely different realm than with regularly available cannabis. While I do my best to teach others, existing growers are difficult to help "see the light" when it comes to extreme quality. ;)
Go be Awesome! :D
Orrrrrrrrr. Cannabinoids effect everyone differently and for some can be problematic. Ever thought about that? I don't mean to come off rude, but I see people who think of weed the way you do to have a problematic mindset. If we can't acknowledge the potential drawbacks of cannabis, then how do we expect the rest of the world to take us seriously and end prohibition?
Cannabinoids affect everyone differently, yes. Over the last 8+ years, as I've studied cannabis from the medicinal point, I've yet to come across someone who's "issue" with cannabis wasn't from some issue they'd yet to identify.
Again, it's a fantastic diagnostic tool. Feel like you need it? Look deeper into yourself, there's something you're missing.
Go Be Awesome! :D
I guess your personal experience is the universal rule. Excuse me for taking a nuanced stance on a nuanced topic.
lol, my experience spans several states and thousands of people. Cannabis being a diagnostic tool is becoming a universal truth.
You have a very limited view of a topic you have some personal experience with. When you've worked with as many people as I have, and seen the things I know to be true, you'll feel the same way I do. ;)
No worries. :D
Okay so weed can never have any addictive properties for anyone ever. Anyone who experiences such a thing obviously is 100% buying into a fallacy. Gotcha, guess I shouldn't have spoken against gods green gift to earth.
They 100% have issues they're getting significant relief from, through the use of cannabis. You're really going to trust your myopic view of all this? You're suggesting I simply discard the conclusion of decades of information, because you say different?
Think about the chances of that happening. lol Get happy, get on with life, go run around the block. Wasting time trying to un-do decades of data collection is pointless here.
Go Be Awesome!