DEA manage buy/sell of drugs in USA

in #drugs8 years ago

Drugs are an excellent way of politic control.  If you give drugs to the people, you mantain them dependent of dealer, and avoid a revolution against goverment, this we could see since the Opium Wars, that was between China and UK for the management of drugs routes.

"DEA manage mexican drugs groups" said Alfredo Jalife geopolitical doctor of University of Mexico. 

Also, Daniel Stulin talked about this in his book Drogas SA, and said that "the drug is the lubricant of Wall Street" and George Soros is the manager of terrorism in the world, and drug traffic

"DEA officer were presented to the Peruvian President Belaunde Terry and said him that Pablo Escobar will be the only that could introduce drug to USA, and president accept it. (Señore del Narco book --- Anabel Hernandez)

Drugs have another more important function, avoid that your pinneal gland act in correct way, and avoid that you could come out in astral body and find all the true about goverment and science. And that is very dangerous to the stablisment, included marijuana ( all in excess is bad) 

Mainstream media show you that police and CIA and Dea work "hardly" to avoid that the drug come to streets, but the reality is another, while you could get  prision because you bring to USA  5 lbs of cocaine, from Mexico Airport to the Missouri Airport travel tons of drugs that DEA distribuited to all USA with the beneplacit of politicians (Señores del Narco book--- Anabel Hernandez), while the us army and guverment institutions are tasked to avoid the drug traffic "without guverment permission"that transit trough the border between Mexico-USA, streets in USA are full of drugs, new drugs and synthetic drugs. 

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