Devil's Breath: Urban Legend or the World's Most Scary Drug?

in #drugs7 years ago

Devil's Breath is derived from the flower of the “borrachero” shrub, common in the South American country of Colombia. The seeds, when powdered and extracted via a chemical process, contain a chemical similar to scopolamine called “burandanga”. Borrachero has been used for hundreds of years by native South Americans in spiritual rituals. The compound is said to lead to hallucinations, frightening images, and a lack of free will. Amnesia can occur, leaving the victim powerless to recall events or identify perpetrators. According to a 1995 Wall Street Journal article, about half of all emergency room admissions in Bogota, Colombia were for burundanga poisoning. Scopolamine is also present in Jimson Weed (Datura stramonium), a plant found in most of the continental U.S.

Pharmacologically, scopolamine is classified as an anticholinergic medication and belladonna alkaloid. Side effects like dry mouth, blurred vision, headache, urinary retention, and dizziness can occur even at the low dose used in the transdermal patch. Overdoses can lead to a dangerous fast heart rate, dilated pupils, toxic psychosis, confusion, vivid hallucinations, seizures or coma, among other events. Use with alcohol is warned against in the official package labeling. Combining it with alcohol, as in a spiked drink, or with other sedative drugs would certainly hasten central nervous system depression. Confusion, disorientation, excitability, and amnesia could ensue with oral consumption. But immediate “zombie-like” side effects by blowing it into someones face? That seems unlikely, from a pharmacologic standpoint. Others have also questioned the reports of robberies taking place when the powder is blown into someone's face or placed on a business card.

Nonetheless, these news stories highlight an important travel point. To prevent assault due to scopolamine, or any drug, follow these rules, as recommended by the U.S. State Department:

Never leave food or drinks unattended when traveling.

Do not accept food or drinks from strangers or new acquaintances.

Travel in a large group when possible, and don't leave with a stranger.

Always check the State Department's crime and safety warnings before traveling to a foreign country.

Seek medical assistance immediately if you believe you have been drugged.



Daturas a pungent plant too.. had the plant growing in my old house once, found out what it was. got rid of it asap.. didnt want the risk around animals.

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