Tripsitting friends on salvia

in #drugs7 years ago

Salvia divinorum is the drug that a lot of people wouldn't really have an experience on, and viewing trip reports from most people, I decided to not give it a try. I've had uncomfortable trips from marijuana and psychedelics alone, so I wouldn't really want to experience a terrifying one from this stuff.


My friends and I cruised downtown to buy me a new vape (which is awesome, I'll put up a pic after the story.) A week before, we were planning on doing salvia. I let them know that I wasn't going to touch it and they accepted it, so I wanted to just watch them experience it. We went from smoke shop to smoke shop until we actually found some.

We got to my friend's house, I'll call him Bill and the other one Gerold. I'll be focusing more on them since they were the ones who tried the salvia.

We're in Bill's bathroom and another friend of mine was smoking with them. One hit from a bong of weed, he was gone. Same with Gerold. My friend Bob was also there, but him and I decided not to smoke some weed due to him being drug-free, and me having paranoia episodes when I take a lot of cannabis.

After 30 minutes, Gerold and Bill decide to do the salvia. Gerold was the first one to do it, and watching him do it was pretty scary. He takes the hit, holding it in for a while and lays down on Bill's bed. As he exhales, I see him becoming lost in the trip. He was gone, staring at the ceiling. He looked so confused and he was still in this reality. He asked Bill if he could take another hit, although he was out of it. Bill let him and he took one more. He laid down again. The more lost he became, he would slowly get up. He was sitting at the edge at the bed, looking around at us. He was unaware that anyone was there with him. He says "Someone, please. Someone help me." He looked so overwhelmed and it made me quite anxious that he was having a terrible trip.

He tries explaining the trip to us a few minutes after. He said that it was like he was in a movie, starring him. Half of his view was the movie, and the other half was this reality. He saw us getting sucked into the other half and he was an actor of some western movie. He's a big movie guy, so we all got a kick at this. At first he was pretty terrified and scared, but the longer it took, the more comfortable he was. He laid down for 40 minutes since he was high as hell from the weed and the after effects of salvia were getting to him.


My friend Bill decided to go after a while. When he did it, he was so cheerful. He tried explaining things and since salvia makes it hard to talk, he would mumble and sound silly. We'd laugh as he tried to talk and he was having a blast. He said, "Woah, I feel like a book. Not physically, but mentally." That was the best thing I've ever heard someone say while high. We all laughed so hard at that, even him. He says, "No, no. You guys don't get it. It's like, the cover of the book. My vision was half the book, and the other half was this reality. It was flipping pages and stuff. It was like a binder! The rings were the tunnels. It was crazy!." During his trip, he would be laughing so hard for a long time.

It took Gerold to come down from the effects for hours. As he came down, he was eating a lot of food and was happy. That comforted me because I was sad and scared for him at the beginning.

I was kind of considering doing it after seeing Bill's experience, but I didn't feel ready. I decided to stick with what I said earlier and not try it. If I ever do in the future, I will for sure make a trip report to you guys.

Here's my vape mod box:



Thanks for sharing this! I'm fascinated by people's trip experiences.

I'm in the process of writing an article about Salvia and dreams, but it's not ready for posting yet.

If you do ever decide to try salvia, you might want to get the dry leaves instead of the extract. They're much less potent and give you a chance to decide whether you're comfortable with it or not. Jumping right into the full-on salvia extract experience can be really disturbing for some people.

Thank you so much for the suggestion. I will for sure try dried leaves if I decide to do salvia later in life, that sounds more comforting. Also, you reminded me about dreams after drug use. I totally forgot that I had vivid dreams after LSD use and they aided me with lucid dreaming. I can't wait to read your article!

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