Purposely Vanished Civilization in a Global Liquefaction Event

in #drought5 years ago (edited)

This video was originally published 2/9/2019

The takeaway point on the article referring to 1540 being likely warmer than 2003 was the split and the reset of history, as can be seen right at the center of the chart shown below. The movement from the Julian Calendar to the Gregorian Calendar can be observed in this, and it is incredibly strange.

How can the reset in history occur in the 1700s? I have been watching a fair few videos talking about churches not being heated during that time; and also, fireplaces malfunctioning and not creating the right amount of heat needed across palaces in Europe; and also some stories regarding the different types of climate going on.

There is also some dispute regarding the real years in our previous history in the timeline, of then to now. This issue brings me to Tartaria.

This, again, is among the recent lost civilizations that used to be across our planet, who might have the same technology.

So, do you think there is a possibility that we are talking about some people, like us, who may have had wireless technology, that we no longer have access to? Because the more you dig in, the more you can see Tartaria listed across global maps. This was never mentioned in my class nor in any history books that I read.

There is also this mud flood evidence; which this tells us that there was a liquefaction during at least one of the Grand Solar Minimums. It seemed that in the 1800’s, during the Dalton Minimum, there was an enormous amount of liquefaction events from the Mississippi Delta all the way to the Eastern Carolinas, and West out to Arizona.

These mud slides buried the buildings constructed in the late 1700s. So please do as much research as you can on mud flood evidence, because this is a part of our history that is missing in the timeline. These missing events messes up the cycles we have in nature.

One example is this micro nova from our Sun that occurs on a regular 12,000-year periods.

This is also termed ‘super flare’.

Ancient peoples and civilizations have witnessed this. There are even petroglyph records proving this, yet somehow, academics are expecting us to just dismiss their accounts.

Why don’t archaeologists want us to talk about prior civilizations back to the last interglacial 108,000 years past? What if we are curious where these pyramids come from? Or where their wireless technology is?

Where is this missing chapter of our history? They may not allow us to talk about it, but now with this changing climate, we are starting to see a lot more of what was previously buried or things that were naturally covered emerging out of lakes and reservoirs.

This changing climate on a multi-thousand-year cycle helped uncover all these missing important parts of human history. So, what were the deities they revered and worshiped?

Also, why do we see the same iconography across history, like the bull, the angels, the wings, the Anunnaki of the Sumerians, etc. These continuously flow back into the cyclical pattern that we are not privy to in our history books. But then, all this comes back into this cyclical pattern of rise and fall of civilizations, the rise and fall of a society, and the reset in bottlenecks in DNA.

In my opinion, there has been a concerted effort through history to erase our history. Look at the pre-Egyptian era, so that you can see the same the bulls, the rams, the lions, the feathers, the serpents, and the feminine divine, firsthand.

Then in the 14th century, during the Black Death, why was the shift in the calendars so discernible in the early 1700s? So, you see, the more research I do, the more I think that they are trying to shift what we know in the timeline of human history.

You can find more information about the cycles that are about to repeat right now in “Climate Revolution: The Grand Solar Minimum Understand, Prepare, Adapt and Thrive”.

Climate Revolution is a ‘must read’ for the understanding of our Sun driven climate as we progress deeper into the new Eddy Grand Solar Minimum. Weather extremes leading to Global food scarcity and high food prices are here now, and this book describes the expected changes, how to survive & thrive during future challenging times, including practical preparations.

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Thanks for reading, I hope you got something out of the article. If you would like more content like this, I produce the tri-weekly Mini Ice Age Conversations podcast, 30 minutes of in-depth analysis on the GSM you can take on the go throughout your day.

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(MIAC #254) Switching to an Easier Crop to Grow the Unpublished Shift


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*** Today’s Story Links ***



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