Drop in the Ocean. Word of the week from Buddy UP.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #dropintheocean6 years ago

The Hive This weeks word. Digress

Howdy folks'.

Time ticks on and there is only so many ticks we have to do something. How many ticks or tocks I wasted just looking at a template and wondering what to insert as text, could be in the thousands. 9:43 AM and I have being writing this post now for two days. It seems like something just keeps coming up and I have to do that or take care of that.

This weeks word to write about from the Buddy Up community is Digress. We should make an occupation for Digress, all those with ADHD would then be able to find fulfilling employment.
Okay, that part was just funny in my head so I added it.

Each week the Buddy Up community host a show where you can promote your post. This post should be about a chosen word. This weeks word Digress. Published posts are then promoted at the show and discussed. The show normally lasts 1 hour to 90 minutes, depending on the conversation the posts bring up. A small crew of writers take up the challenge, so there is still room for your post too. The show is hosted over at the Buddy Up Server in discord.
I look forward to seeing you there.

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As always they dumped me in here not know what I am going to write. I do have some idea for a post now after looking up what the word means.

I knew I had heard the word somewhere before. However before I went and checked the meaning. I was looking at the word, thinking if I had seen the word alone with no context surrounding it.
What would I think the word meant?
The first thing came to mind would be it is a female word. You know the way Princess and Duchess end in the ess signifying a woman's title. Using that theory and looking at the word. I came up with A female grave digger. Digr at the start followed by the ess, it just seems to fit.

That is NOT! what the word means. It does remind me of an old joke though. Why do graveyards have a fence/wall around them? Cause people are dying to get in. That might not have made you laugh, But it did make my mind chuckle thinking of you reading and thinking to yourself, Very old Jan, it might of being funny 30 years ago.

Getting a bit sidetracked there back to the task at hand, digress. Digression itself is not something I am very good at. I tend to stay on topic most of the time.

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Digress is when you do not stay on the topic at hand. You begin by discussing a particular topic, sometime during the conversation you veer off the topic and begin to talk about something else, quite possibly something not even related. It's the old story of one thing leading to another and the story never gets told. Unless off course you are writing a story and then the story will get told. (If you finish the book)

I wrote a short story a while back. It was in the Information Finding Championship run by @newbieresteemday and @deliberator. On this occasion, I wrote a futuristic conspiracy theory. The topic to write about was conspiracy. My Story involved Elon Musk some years in the future. I actually thought for an hour that I had made a prediction in my story. A recent article about Elon Musk mentions that he believes he will die on Mars. To my knowledge that was the first time I heard that.

In my story Elon was held prisoner on Mars by the corporates not wanting to Elon to give resources to the general population. They wanted to control the flow of resources gained from Mars. Two days ago I read the article about Elon and predicting he would die on Mars. and I thought How feckin' cool is that I made that prediction in a story a few month back. Well as it turned out I did not, Elon had said that a few times before over the years. He said it before me. Maybe I did hear it and it did not register to my mind while I am awake, But hid there in my sleep until the story came to be wrote. You can read that short story here, (Remember the post is very old now and the rewards have already paid out.)

Well I would really like to have told you about digress and what it means. Time has gotten away from me and I have a few things which need to be done. Maybe I should of read a bit deeper about what Digress means so I could share that knowledge. Unfortunately that did not happen in this post and all the lost ticks and tocks just mounted up to leave no time to write this post.
I do hope you will all forgive me this transgression on this post and still permit me to present the post.

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No problem... )^_^)

That was a pretty funny explanation of digress. Did you know when you spell digress wrong with two e's vice two s'es 'digrees' spellcheck wants to make it into 'degrees'. So I guess to understand digress you need a degree.

I think you digressed magnificently. Tick Tock!

Haha! I loved your take on digression Jan!! I really think digression can be an important part of a story when you need to take the reader on a sharp left turn... but your thoughts about the female grave digger and the joke... I have to admit, I chuckled!!

Brilliant as always!!

great jann ramble!! i 💜 the hive

Heh. I keep wanting to drop in for dropintheocean (legitimately no pun intended, I didn't even realize I had this 'til I glanced over the comment for obvious errors;), but it just doesn't fit in my schedule. This week would have been perfect though, pretty much every post I make is complete digression. Yes, I think that's actually grammatically correct, whatever your brain may be screaming at you.

Mine's screaming at me to go kill everyone. But I digress ;)

Be that as it may, I have enjoyed this week's selection, as per usual.

As per usual? Yes, this week was a fun topic. Next week we intend to Astonish. Well the others do, I am first going to learn what the word means.

You don't know what that means?

Well that's rather shocking, not to mention astounding, amazing, and all the other synonyms Astonish happens to have which I can't remember off the top of my head.

I digress all the time. 😉

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