Drop in the Ocean: a homeless heart (Poetry)


The theme for this week's Drop in the Ocean is Expectation. I was thinking on writing something totally different, but this poem came to me out of nowhere, so I am simply putting this darker poetry as my entry.


Photo by Warren Wong on Unsplash

a homeless heart

the tango of time
never ends,
his hands in mine.

quick on his feet
in which i trip,
falling endlessly
into a bottomless pit.

the sound of space
whistles in my ears
as if it were a windy day;

but alas, it is not,
for there is only void
in this heart of mine.

a heart that once beat
but now just echoes
the long-gone footsteps
that trampled all over.

i have lived
through several eras:
an everchanging world
has stayed just the same,
for this poor man
never felt alive
in all those foreign lands.

the sun is setting,
it is time to go home:

depression is the liberation from pain
for there are no expectations;
no hope to wither;
no love to kill.

Welcome to the Sombre Days

My poetry collection, Welcome to the Sombre Days, is published as paperback on Amazon and ebook on Kindle. I am also posting the poems on steemit; here are some of the latest poems:

Latest Poems

August Rain
Inner Peace
Under the Moonlight


LOVE IT! x 3!!! You know I like dark poetry! The last stanzas bring some relief though it's not what you'd hope for. Beautiful!

Relief is a strange feeling with such a disturbed surrounding. I am happy you liked it.

Yeah, there's a good reason why you're going places with your poetry. Don't ever stop, buddy!

Thank you! Writing this, I switched off my mind and let my unrestrained feelings speak without adhering to a specific narrative. I appreciate the feedback/support/encouragement <3

You're able to do something I can't. I have a knack for over-thinking my creative writing. Blog posts and news articles, I can churn those out like it's nothing.

I do sometimes end up over-thinking as well; but I got fed-up with overthinking and somehow managed to let it go.

the sun is setting,
it is time to go home:

Carve out my heart, why don't you.... lol

It's so hard to read your poetry objectively. I know you too closely now... so each stanza is like a little heartcry from you.

my friend.... beautiful writing - as always.
just, longing for that "home" for you

Too closely. Know me. Those are foreign concepts for I do not even feel that I know myself. I apologise for making you feel things, to share the pain, and I am touched by your caring approach <3

hehehe... well - from my perspective. I'm sure that I can't ever truly know you. just.... know about you :)
don't ever apologize for making me feel those things, my friend. it's how we DO get to begin to know one another... sharing pain. (and sharing laughter too)

We are everchanging, and hence you would only know about a past self of mine, which does have its influences over me, yet it is still not me. I'm being way too philosophical.

hahahahaha well... i do know about the present one too. i've heard lots of those stories... and though they are influenced by the past (certainly) they're still the present Jeremy.

and.... too philosophical.
also... present Jeremy ;p

night my friend - rest your brain. hehe

I just woke up and that's how my brain thinks :P
You are the one who needs to rest your mind, I suppose ;)

Lovely poem, I enjoyed the lonely feeling in the words.

This poem is a chamber of words that echo the silence of loneliness. Thank you for dropping by.

Some of the best poetry just seems to reveal itself to the willing pen. Yes. Very good poem. Blessings.

I love when the poem is begging to be written as it can no longer stand sitting still inside your soul.

It seems like it's going to be a very successful book. Good luck with your writing and publishing journey.

Thank you! Unfortunately quality does not always means sales/success, as it all depends on marketing and reaching people; but that's alright. Thank you for your support :3

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