To fear or not fear [Drop in the Ocean - Fear]

in #dropintheocean6 years ago (edited)

To fear or not fear tis' the question of rent.

There are many many things I fear, some you will just never overcome others you might never need to face. A few fears are just silly but they are my fears.

Now I don't have much to say on the topic, as I am sure we have all heard most of the inspirational quotes about it.

I do fear that there are things that I do not fear and maybe should. I have grown quite complacent, even taking for granted many things in my life.

A few of the things which I really should be concerned about even fear happening would be the good 'ol fashioned rent. I don't exactly earn much as I always tell my boss so long as I have zero I have enough.

This is 0 after paying my rent and buying some cat food then he allows me to borrow the rest and just deducts it every month before paying my salary, which in turn means I am short and borrow to fill that so I can pay rent and buy cat food.

Now if I was a bit more fearful of losing my apartment, maybe I would do more to be sure to secure the funds as I have had a few months unpaid over the 2 and a half years I have lived here. Will they not come and take my shit?

I can't help but think there are other things I should fear which would benefit me to do more and be better. Fear of losing those I care about?

Sure I can think I fear losing someone, but it depends on circumstances, violently dying yes that would be horrible and I would not like that I have had this fear strike me when receiving badly worded texts and as I go walking everywhere as I do I will always run scenarios through my mind and drum things up.

I don't think I fear people leaving me though, for the most part, I can't see anything bad about it the same as I can't see anything bad about never waking up. You don't know what you have until it is gone, who will prove this true? Will I recover from it, should I fear that I am the cause or just the loss?

Back to more pressing matters though. I do think I should be more fearful of the things that I have control over to improve my standard of living if only to secure it. The shop is not doing too great with a 20 Grand bill coming our way this month, which happens to be the exact amount we took thus far which in turn is half of the average for the same period across the board.

So should I be more fearful of losing things I take for granted? Most likely.


Love that 3rd tag lol!

Thank you ;) noticed people have personal tags so decided that would be mine, coined one drunken night it has stayed with me over the years.

into the mind of the M&M....

hmmmmm every week I go deeper. and every week I wonder if I'll ever find my way out again hehehehehe

and i disagree with @enginewitty. LOL you are not better than Jesus LOLOLOL

I don't think he agrees with the tags statement. Just knows funny when he sees it ;)

Fear not! Living without fear makes life much more enjoyable, remember as a kid how your awareness was of fear versus being an adult. We slowly develop fears that stop us from living a full life.

Just use logic and not fear as a beacon, if you think you can control things and it gives you longterm (equity value) ev, I would go for it every time, even if it means giving up some short term pleasures.

You are so wise now that you are married. I like the logic approach, in the end, our minds are in control. Whether we have control of our minds is another question.

I must have smoked something nice when I wrote that 😁

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