The Day That Changed Everything

in #dropintheocean6 years ago (edited)

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July 7, 1997 🎉 Happy Birthday!! 🎉

Twenty-one years ago, I was laying in a hospital bed after having surgery to bring into the world this tiny little human that's been growing in my belly for the past nine months and holding him for the first time. Looking at this small creature that I made… he was perfect, he was healthy and when he looked up at me, the love that I felt for this flawless little being could not be put into words. I knew in an instant that I would do anything for this needy little monster that I cradled in my arms and I was unaware how he would change my entire world.

I was nineteen years old when I had my son. Everyone was just so excited when I told them that I was pregnant but none of them told me how freaking hard it was going to be to raise him. The diaper changes, the feedings, the sleepless nights … I went from working forty hour weeks to working damn near twenty-four hours a day. We found out at six months old that he was going to be a sickly child. He had asthma due to allergies and got pneumonia every time the weather changed, and in the hospital he went.

If I had a nickel for everytime he puked…

When he got sick, his little body would build up fluid and mucus and the only way he would be able to expel the excess fluid would be to puke. For months he lived on pedialyte and at times he wouldn't be able to keep that down either. He was my little exorcist baby that turned into my exorcist toddler that turned into my exorcist pre-teen. Yes … I said exorcist because his projectile vomiting reminded me of Linda Blair’s projectile vomiting in the movie ‘The Exorcist’. This went on for twelve years and then all of a sudden, it happened no more and his body grew out of it. We have exorcised the demon!

We noticed pretty early on the he was a smart child. He walked and talked earlier than other kids his age and he even graduated a year ahead of schedule. Little trivial kids problems like not getting a toy that he wanted turned into teenage problems like getting his heart broken. Things only got harder as he got older. There were times that I wished we could go back to cleaning puke, it was way easier than mending a broken heart.

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Spread your wings and fly...

Now that he is officially an adult, we are gearing up for more change. It is time for baby boy to leave the nest and spread his wings. He will be moving into his own place and moving his girlfriend down to live with him. She's currently in Washington State and I have to question if she will be able to survive the climate down here and not to mention the culture shock I am sure she will experience when she's here for a bit. I am truly excited for them and all of the changes about to take place in their lives.

I hope that I have prepared him well enough to survive the long difficult journey of life. Not having him under my roof will be a tremendous change for me. I know that I have probably never worried the way I will when he is no longer under our roof.

🎵Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes… Time to make a change Ch-Ch-Changes🎵

I am ready for this change and I know he is ready too. He’s ready to start his life and live on his own terms, face and overcome challenges on his own and become the great kick ass human I know he will be. I am ready for the changes that are about to occur in my life as well and now that he’s about to start his journey on his own, I am looking forward to what the future may hold for me.

I have never been afraid of change, now that's not to say that change isn’t scary because let’s face it … the unknown can be frightening but I welcome it because you never know what exciting new things await for you if you just take a chance and try something different and new. The future looks bright and I believe that not only will my boy’s world open up to new possibilities and new adventures … I believe that my world will open up to new possibilities and new adventures as well.

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Side note

The majority of us are creatures of habit. It’s familiar and comfortable. How exciting is it to wake up one day and see the world with new eyes and to realize that if you are unhappy, you do have the power to change things. It may not be easy and you may have to work night and day to make change possible but it is POSSIBLE and you do have the power to make change happen.

Please forgive me my dear Steemian friends and family, certain changes in my life have recently kept me from Steemit to take care of other things. I have fallen behind in posting, commenting and engaging on my friends posts. I will be back at it... full steem ahead... as soon as I can.


This has been my Drop in the Ocean post about Change for the awesome BuddyUP community.


Thanks for stopping by y'all!MonchBanner.jpg


Your silence is deafening - I miss you!!!! I'm excited that you're excited about changes lol I, on the other hand want to embrace change but don't want to as well.

Things will start calming down soon Andy and we'll be able to get back to our chats... I've missed you too! And I know exactly how it is to deal with that conflict... and then I turn into a child and lay on the floor throwing a tantrum!! Lol

Girlfriend from Washington! That will be a HUGE change. But when you are young change is an adventure more than a struggle. Exciting times, for kiddo and for you guys!

I hope you & @firecajun9262 get into some fun. You are so young! Here’s to good times ahead! 😘

Oh yeah @dfinney, I'm pretty excited about it and nervous at the same time. And the whole thing with the girlfriend from Washington ... yeah... let's hope in a year from now I can post a nice good news update!! Lol I'm trying to convince @firecajun9262 to have some fun... he's a creature of habit and a homebody... lol

Thank you so much my friend!! ❤❤❤

Definitely worth 100% upvote. I can relate to your experience with the spewing and also with the smart kid, but unfortunately my second didn't come out that way.

Sending them away will be heart breaking.

Awww thank you @mineopoly!! I knew pretty early on that my first child would be my last. I don't have the nerves that it takes. Two would have killed me. I know how much worse it could have been and maybe would have been with a second child.

I'm sure that I will be pretty emotional but the silver lining is he won't be too far away for now. Thank you my friend.. always nice to hear from you!!

This topic was sure timely for you to write about, @monchhichi. Happy, Happy Birthday to your son on his 21st. Amazing how time flies. My son was 21 in January. It's amazing how kids explore and express and become.

Sending hugzzz and cheers as you navigate this new empty nest period. My daughter's been away for almost two years now and I still worry and wonder sometimes. But I also marvel at how both she and my son have taken on their lives full out.

Your son will too. Sending him Blessings.. and for his and his girlfriend's new life together and you and hubby as you also both explore the new horizons opening up. xxx

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That's exactly what I thought when the topic was revealed. And thank you for the birthday wishes!! I will pass them along. It's been amazing to watch him grow into the person he's becoming. And Happy (really belated) Birthday to your son!! I'm sure the worry never ends... I'm very excited for all of these changes coming @angelacs... thank you for the kind words and telling me a little about your experience 🖤🖤🖤

Congrats, mama. You did amazing, raised a wonderful human, and now get to move into the next stage of your life as he steps forward with his. 💖

Thank you so much @katrina-ariel!! We are so proud of him and definitely ready for what the future may bring... exciting stuff in the works!! 🖤🖤🖤

haha trying to imagine how drunk you will try to get him at his housewarming so that he can puke on his own carpet then you can be like, "I ain't cleaning that this is your house" :)

Hahahha @penderis!! You know, I did not think of this... so thank you.. won't it be so nice to be able to tell him that!!

Children growing up sure is a big change - well, having them in the first place is probably the biggest of all - like you said.
Good luck to both of you in the next season for your family.
Visiting from #thealliance :)

Thank you @mariannewest for stopping by... always nice to see a new face and especially from the alliance family!! I think we are going to need all the luck we can get lol especially when showing him that with a house usually comes problems... hes finding that out quick, we've already had to do some plumbing work... what a way to start out!!

Oh no!!! Yes, part of growing up is facing the new responsibilities of having to take care of our own stuff. But it sounds that he has a good support system with you.
My kids live close by to me and we help each other - I love that.
And the alliance is such a great family!! There are so many of us that it is hard to meet everyone right away. Glad to have met you :)

Same here @mariannewest... look forward to seeing you around!! 🖤

What a great tribute to your son! I remember when mine flew the nest, twenty years ago, and the trepidation I felt. But he did fine on his own! It still tugs at a parent's heart-strings, though. Big hugs to you!

Thank you so much @thekittygirl!! I appreciate the hugs so much... I'm sure my son will do fine just as yours did... he also knows that if he doesn't he will always have a place here. Wait, maybe I shouldn't tell him that, when things get tough he may think that was an invitation hahahaha.. again, thanks for the love babe!!

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