Cackles and laughter.

in #dropintheocean6 years ago (edited)


Kids are always laughing.

Someone covering their eyes and disappearing right before theirs, leaving them in hysterics for a moment, oh, they're gone again.

The dog bouncing around the house enticing the attractor, surprise surprise the child is the reactor. The little one bursts into giggles while falling backward, sending the room into fits of laughter.

A stumble towards a glass door, bouncing back and falling on their butt. A moment of silence as you prepare for the child to erupt. Pleasantly surprised there are no wails of pain, just layers of chuckles and a bump on the brain.

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Innocence turns its head.

School days ahead and infancy behind. Humiliation shows its face and being left out starts to consume the mind. The ring-leader snaps the whip to keep the hidden lion in the cage, the audience applauds and joins center-stage.

Innocent laughs become an insidious influence.

Minds in the flow of development without the correct sense. Are you funny at someone's expense, or is it in jest? Institute of education, sponge of influence. Temporarily mindless of covert consequence.

The schisms of humour begin to appear.

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A twisted sense of funny saps the positive life from the tree. The roars of cackles shed the branches, causing them to leave.

The roots ripped out beyond belief.

And so it falls.

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Guilt and backward steps scrub relentlessly at the mask on their faces. How'd they find themselves here of all places, was it the wrong perspective of race that was blazoned? The weight of a life that was mistaken for superficial representation?

Was it hatred?

Just childish mindsets without hesitation, throwing wreckless jabs to test the patience of the baited,


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School isn't a den of lions, feeding on their prey.

It's a circus, in more ways than one, spotlight every day.

There is a fine line between cackles and laughter, don't be a little cunt.


Oh wow, I did not expect that at all.

It was amazing how you took humour full circle, from innocence to the childhood to adulthood...

A really great message for bullying too! A really meaningful piece @calumam. Very very well written .

Thank you very much, I enjoyed this one a lot. Lots of fun.

I'm glad you liked it!

Few. Blimey. That was powerful. Such a strong message - those first almost accidental steps, becoming deliberate, and then running away with themselves in the wrong direction. Really enjoyed reading this several times through!

Out of interest, do you perform your work live- I could just imagine this being performed.

E x

Oh what an awesome comment! Thank you very much. I'm glad you enjoyed it enough to give it a few reads. It is a perspective thing for sure, something which is pretty difficult for kids to comprehend.

I don't perform, this is only one of the first pieces I've done so the thought of performing never popped into my mind. I will probably end up reading some of these in the Drop in the Ocean show every now and then!

Thanks again :)

Wow really?? Reading this I thought you were a seasoned writer in this style. I think it would be wicked performed live. There's something in its rhythm that made me think of Tim Minchin.

E x

Not yet! Well thank you, Tim Minchin is a legend so that is quite an honor.

An absolute legend... maybe you're headed the same way! :)

Wow! Letting your creativity out of the bag there!

Really interesting take on humor, I had to read it a few times to really get it.

Great work Cal!

Thanks! It took a little while to get into the flow of it for sure. I wanted to try and make it a little darker without making it a depression session for anyone reading haha!

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