Humour: A Drop in the Ocean Topic

When Murphy Came to Call

One day Mother Dear came to visit
It was in my younger years
I had had an accident
So she came to dry my tears

She stayed for several weeks
Until my bones had knit
We lived in a 1 bedroom flat
It was a rather tight fit

One dreary Friday evening
Mother was home alone
She ran herself a bath
Preparing to lay out prone

She stripped off all her clothes
Stepped into the warmth mmm Devine
Then remembered her underwear
Were still drying on the line

She tiptoed through the house
Peeped out the front door
If only she had known
What the next minutes had in store

Mother looked out to the left
And then off to the right
It was pitch black
Not a sole was insight

Only five steps to the line
So she could retrieve her knickers
Then out she stepped
Starkers except her slippers

SLAM... went the door
Coz Murphy was waiting there
Mother dear was left standing
Dam cold and very bare

Fortunately for Mother
There was a fluffy towel
To cover all her bits
But it didn't cover her scowl

That was all very well
But now what to do
We were out for hours
By then she'd have the flu

Mother decided on a friends house
Two miles down the road
She could see no other choice
Shanks pony the only mode

Off she toddled in the towel
As spritely as she was able
Luckily there weren't police around
She would have appeared unstable

Ducking behind the bushes
Trying to dodge the car lights
Really hoping no one was looking
Out their windows that dreary night

Finally she made it
Knocking frantically on the door
When her friend opened up
She was gobsmacked that's for sure

We arrived home to find
A sandwich and cold tea
A full bath, a pile of clothes
But no Mother Dear you see

We set about madly searching
Ringing everyone we knew
We were scratching our heads and wondering
When in the door she flew

Her tale of woe forthcoming
She couldn't wait to say
How Murphy had come to visit
On that cold and dreary day

This poem was written as a Buddyup topic but is a true story.

Images Thanks to Pixabay and Clipart Library

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I can vouch for the truth of the tale!

just so stinking funny!!!!! LOLOLOL

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this was so freaking hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh my gosh - THIS would happen to the likes of me too, Mom!!!! hehehehehe i think i'll let this be a lesson to me 1. make sure i grab a towel and 2. put a shoe in the door - just in case hehehehehehe

great job Andy - hope Mom loves it!

You with your no pants hehe - I can see it all now!!!! :D

Andy. this is secret stuff. you are not supposed to tell secret stuff. LOLOLOL

and come on! it's like wearing a bathing suit. right????? no difference a t'all! ;)

THIS! Literally! Is the type of nightmare I would have in my dreams!!

Oh my goodness! Poor mom.

So.....every Christmas? New year's? How often does this get told?

Your poetry was just perfect! Every word a tickle deeper!

Just pure gold @andysantics48

Great stuff with this one @andysantics48 :D

I wouldn't like to get stuck out in the cold like that hahaha. I hope your mum loves the poem!

Noooooo! Your poor mommy! Damn that Murphy!

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