Expectation: A Drop in the Ocean Topic

in #dropintheocean6 years ago (edited)

In my family there are a few artists. My father enjoyed painting landscape scenes - sometimes they were good and sometimes not so much! But I have to say he really loved doing it!
Some of his brothers and sisters also painted, I have one of my aunties paintings on my wall and I love it!

painting by Joyce Carmen

My great great (I'm not sure how many greats) grandfather was the famous New Zealand painter John Gully, he painted water colour landscape scenes. After searching google I found that some of his paintings are reaching as much as $80,000

Images found on google search Painted by John Gully

Some of his paintings are really spectacular! I've always known about him but I have to say I've never really taken much notice because I could never draw.

I can't even draw stick men!!! That has been a catch phrase for me all my life..... I have tried to draw a few things but even a smiley face is an issue for me - it looks like someone sat on his head and he's not smiley at all!


Anyhooo ...... I decided that I wanted to learn how to draw......
Now my expectations, I have to say were not too high!
If my previous attempts are anything to go on I'd be learning till I die.

So I got on to youtube and looked up how to pencil draw, pushed play and copied the person bit by bit.

I learned something!!!

Never say you can't until you've tried a bit harder.....

I exceeded my expectations by miles..... and..... I think I might just be able to draw if I give it a go and persevere!

Here is one of my first attempts at a pencil drawing.


Now I realize this is not a van Gogh but to me this is a surprise - it kinda looks like it should and I can recognize what things are .... hehe

I am now really enjoying drawing too.... maybe I now have a new hobby!

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We went into an art gallery in Featherstone St once and saw a John Gully painting in the flesh - it was $56 000.

It was a bit like this one

oh my gosh - that is just breathtaking!!!!!

He did some really nice paintings I have to say :)

Wow that's awesome for a "first few tries at drawing" drawing lol I'm not great at actual "things"myself, but I love doing my abstract stuff anyway. It's an awesome feeling to have something you created that you're proud of and surprised by right?

Yea it really is Adam!!! I remember talking to you about drawing stickmen lol and neither of us being able to :)

Whoa. I was relating to the fact that I cannot draw stick men either! Then you pleasantly surprised me with that pencil drawing. That is impressive; quite a good achievement.

Aww Thanks Jeremy - I was surprised myself I can tell you :)

Nice job, your first attempt is quite amazing...

Thanks - I was surprised at how it turned out - pleased :)

Andy, I'm so happy you're drawing now.

Isn't it amazing how we think we can't do something and then when we either have to or when something triggers us to try, we surprise ourselves?

Your first pencil drawing is very good. Clear, simple lines, very good perspective. May be the great artistic genes from your famous New Zealand painter great great... grandpa John Gully or just you naturally practicing and developing your own innate talent now.

No matter.. Keep enjoying drawing and please keep sharing your drawings with us, Andy. And Thanks for sharing this one. ;)

Ah thanks @angelacs I will keep sharing - I'm going to buy some proper shading pencils so I can do better :)

That's a pretty cool drawing for someone who did not do it before. I learnt I can draw and paint after in my early 30s. Until then I knew I couldn't draw not even a stick men, just like you said.

I've been having fun trying - I will keep at it and see how it goes :) Hehe stick men are hard :)

Lovely job on the pencil drawing Andy. Your GG grandfather did some fab paintings.

Thanks :) Yea actually really lovely paintings now that I'm looking for them - I'd love to see them in person :)

@andysantics48 - it's in your genes!!!! hahahaha I still can't believe that THAT was your first attempt! hahahahaha like - oh. i'm just gonna sit down and draw a beautiful landscape. just.... you know - to see. LOLOL
most people would end up with this!!!

THAT is a real first attempt. your first attempt is like. Hi... im the great great great granddaughter of a famous artist. don't you wish you were me?

hahahahahaha I can't wait to see more of what you do... and i can't wait to own an original Andy SOON.

better get out those watercolors lady. hehehehe

Your one is good :) I love the birds and the way the sun is peeking for behind the cloud hehe. Thanks Dreemie I'm not sure about water colours though hehe I could try :)

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It must run in the family, keep practicing and it could become your retirement fund.

Hahaha I don't think I'd go that far but I will keep trying :)

Put one up occasionally so we can check your improvement

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