Big Changes For Drone Registration: Court Rules Against The FAA

in #drones7 years ago (edited)

The FAA long ago started requiring drone hobbyists to register their drones, of all different shapes and sizes. Any drone between 0.55 lbs and 55 lbs was required to register, and they were required to register through an FAA website for a fee.

But those registration rules just suffered a major setback when the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit effectively ruled against them.

Why did this happen? Well, a lawsuit was launched back in Jan of 2016, to try and challenge the legality of the drone restrictions; it was launched by John Taylor who is a drone hobbyist.

These controversial rules were given out by the FAA back in 2015 and since then there have been thousands of drone owners who have registered.

The recent decision, that was established by a three judge panel, is not going to impact the registration of commercial drones however.

They decided that the FAA's drone rules are a violation to the FAA Modernization and Reform Act which when established had prohibited the FAA from passing any sort of rules on the operation of any non-commercial model aircraft.

Now with the recent changes, those who are buying a drone or who own a drone, and aren't using it for commercial purposes, no longer need to register that aircraft.

The FAA can now appeal the decision, or they can try and appeal to congress.

Congress might choose the option of repealing or amending the prohibition that is in place regarding the rules that the FAA can establish surrounding model aircraft.

There are many who aren't happy about the decision, because they feel that the registration promotes accountability and safety. But then there are others who see it as unnecessary to require people to federally register their toys, which is what drones are for many.

It's estimated that roughly 820,000 or more people have already registered their drones according to the old rules.



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I have a Hubsan drone so that is good news !..thanks for posting ..upvoted

This makes me want to get one now. What's a good drone to get in the $500-$1000 range?

Lots of tutorials on how to build one starting around 200us on youtube.
Keep it simple to start with and learn the basics.
You will be needing those skills for right after your first flight when you crash.
Good luck with it and check out some of the videos I have made with mine @hatchi drone vid

Nice post! I have been watching the development of drones and the legislation that has accompanied them and it really didn't make much sense. People have been flying RC aircraft for decades, even with cameras attached, so it's not like drones were anything new in that regard. The current laws made owning and operating drones much more complicated than it needed to be.

Do you know if they will still require corporations to register theirs? The reason I ask is that farmers have been trying to use them to survey their fields quickly and effectively. They are, technically, companies and are subject to corporate laws.

only if it's for commercial use, it needs to be reg as far as i understand

Drone technology has really taken off! If UPS starts using drones in a big way, it could revolutionize the shipping industry and cause Amazon to get their shipments out fast. Excellent post!


I see Amazon out-muscling UPS and wholesale taking over a large portion of the delivery business eventually.

I tend to agree and it makes me wonder how that will affect the overall economy. They're also edging out department stores, too! Such as Walmart and Target, just to name a few.

Indeed. The retail apocalypse is upon us with all of these thousands of store closings across the country. There's been some chatter that this is what may be the trigger for the next recession.

Most drone i like that it is

yes interesting next the pigeons, magpies and ducks will have to register too...good revenue i guess.......keeps someone in job lol...

why haven't they thought of that yet..

soon as they are able to find the birth certificates of the pigeons, ducks n magpies then they have an id and will be requried to register....course then they will also be able to get a passport ,..whooooooooooo more revenue for the broke govt depts..

SHHHHH, don't give them any ideas

Amazon must be happy!

they still need to register lol

Ooooo, I don't know how I missed this. Very good information as I have a DJI Phantom. I was thinking about getting another one but who knows. I need to save money for now ha!

Thanks again for sharing the great news. I was always pissed that I wasn't allowed to fly it in a lot of places because I didn't have it registered.

The registration is really going to have to improve to keep the pace with this tech.

So far the FAA has stated they do not need the courts to approve of their jurisdiction so I will be expecting an appeal or maybe they will just ignore the court decision entirely.

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