The Embodiment of the Zeitgeist

in #dreamteam7 years ago (edited)

Life without light is dark. Life without love is impossible. Life without family is hopeless. Thus whispers the Spirit of Life.

Life, Love, Light.

The power of these virtues, even in isolation, are self evident.
Combined, these virtues can realize the unimaginable. 

The Science of Human Value proceeded modern economics. Don't let the dusty facade of the current system fool you. She's a beauty. The architect monks of the East hold the key. Go with Love.


Systems, like corporations, fulfill functions. Corporations utilize resources and output goods or services. Systems can be defined as anything with a recognizable function and observable inputs and outputs. 

From a legal perspective, corporations are recognized an a organized group of individuals with a declared function within an industry to provide goods or services. These corporations are required to keep an accounting record for governance and legal reasons. As you well know, 4 times every year, many corporations pull together all their documents in order to present to their shareholders. And 4 times every year, the corporations shareholders anticipate a higher than (daily) average gain or loss, depending on the performance of the past quarter. 

At the monetary supply (economic control) level, the same thing happens at the Federal Reserve, but we get inflation rate adjustments and frequent data releases.

99% of the data required for these meetings already exists on the blockchain. Over the past 4 years, blockchain companies have identified and targeted the highest value-add functions within our current system, and over the past 4 years, more and more robust and dynamic platforms have blossomed, each time granting us more and more potential to once again reach the ideals on which this country was founded.

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness are the rights of all humanity, not just North Americans. These principles, in their purest form, bring about the unimaginable. This unimaginable potential isn’t fostered in corporations and can’t be quantified by shareholders. Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness is the foundation of inspiration. Inspiration is the foundation of hope. Hope is the foundation for dreams. Dreams are the catalyst of peace and abundance.

We invite you to start Dreaming.


Классно бро буду за тобой следить.

Love your take on blockchain, taking the power back and giving it to the people! Amen.

Also a cool comment I had about light: When you cup your hands in a large stadium full of people during a game you're unnoticed. But darken very stadium and light one single flickering match, and you're spotted for miles. The strength of light in darkness in always noticed.

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