My oldest childhood dream....steemCreated with Sketch.

I don't know why its so difficult to forget this, maybe I have not yet forgiven him or because of how important the event was, that is why I still can forget.
when I was 10 years old, still in primary school. had this class mate of mine Evelyn... she is beautiful and not just that, her parent are wealthy. she is very intelligent and had home lesson instructor. Truly speaking she was my crush, I wanted her to be my friend but didn't know that I had a rival who is a bully and not that was bigger than me and also one of those spoil rich kid. One day I decided to talk and play with Evelyn and truly it was fun but the next day I was attacked by this rival with his friends. I was beaten black and blue, was warn not to tell anyone or else.......


That same night I had a dream that I finished my primary and secondary education, went to the university and graduated then, traveled abroad to study masters degree. Returned back to the country and became the governor of my State in Nigeria. I got married to Evelyn and decided to go for a revenge mission on those guys that bullied me many years ago.
In that same dream, they were arrested and detained, in the court room I saw my wife begging that they should not be killed but kept in prison for some time then, released. I granted her request that they should be in prison for one year.
my wife, Evelyn was so happy for my decision and then I woke up.
I don't know why I just can't forget this dream. Presently, I hate bullies, oppressors and whatsoever you want to call them. when I see a man trying to oppress his neighbor just because he has one advantage or another, that I can not withstand. Currently, I am a graduate and wish to further my education in the US. I believe am living my dream but may not go for a revenge mission. Hahaha...............
Thank you for reading.
Remember to Upvote and comment. I'm in contest


That was very insightful, thank you for sharing such a precious moment. It's a moment that really could be embarrassing if you let yourself get tricked by the feeling. But it is also a great lesson in revange... I am glad that you have decided revange may not be worth it, you're living your dream in deed.

One thing with dreams is that you are free to change them as you go, they morph and evolve over time almost always anyways. You just habe to adapt to it if it's still what you want.

I hope you make it to University in the US!

Great post!

Thank you@senorcoconut

You're welcome 😊

Hmmmmm ,the dreamer is warning you against revenge

I cant remember my old dreams

How do you guys remember stuffs like these😱

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