Dreams: Are they really just "dreams"?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #dreams7 years ago

Have you ever wondered how fascinating the dreams are? I'm talking about the dreams we get when we sleep.

Dreams are the most interesting part of every human life. It's because of the idea that dreams can be the window of an alternate universe.

The idea of alternate universe can be explained with quantum physics theories. But it will be more interesting to think about that from a "I'm science allergic, keep it simple" point of view.

We often get dreams of people we love, people who aren't with us anymore, things we can't afford in this reality. But what if dreams aren't just dreams, and they're as real as our daytime reality. They are visions of what actually happens in some other universe where there is every single element exactly same as our universe and the events happens in their own manner differently being the only exception. Have you ever taken a turn on a road and thought "What if I had gone straight without taking the turn?". If yes, then going straight would've ended up in an entirely different set of events. That is what happens in alternate universe. And that is what we see in dreams.

As I said earlier, this is just an explanation or even an over exaggerated imagination without any supporting theories from a "I'm science allergic, keep it simple" point of view.

But next time when you dream, feel excited. It might be a reality of some other universe.703.-More-Than-One-Dream.jpg


Dreams are a window into other vibrations...they guide us
Our bodies close down at sleep times which allows our other 'spirit' eyes to open.
Everybody dreams...but not everyone remembers them it depends on your path thru this life
Divining dreams helps us to understand more about ourselves
The life we live at the moment is a dream and when the body/vehicle stops working or dies, we will go back to spirit...which is the reality
Daydreaming is more important because we are learning to control our spirit body while concscious
Some people can control their dreams while sleeping...that is, they are as conscious while in sleep mode as they are while awake....my wife is one of them.
The tibetans call sleep 'the little death' and they strive for consciousness at all times
Have you ever woken up in bed and looked about...and then woken up for real?....what eyes were you using the first time?

I do control my dreams. I train ppl for lucid dreaming. And few times I have got dreams where I spend years/months atleast. When I wake up I wonder which is reality.

Dreams are the reality...this life is just one of many journeys we go on
Lucid dreaming is the way to go...controlling the dream while we are in it is not my strong point...reading dreams is better for me
Time is only applicable here in this space/time continuum....outside of that things happen all at once...it is subjective only to our viewpoint at that particular moment...so to us in dreams years or months happen in the space of seconds in this timescale
The body we possess in the dream state is our spirit body...something they dont teach us about, but if we are a high enough level soul, we become more aware of...that is the real, eternal body we build up over succesive incarnations
Keep on teaching Surreal👍

Ya sure :)I understand what you say. thanks

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