How to Look at Dreams/Visions...

in #dreams6 years ago

First, here’s my dream from last night:

I was with Jennifer and a bunch of people in Taipei but somehow it was also connected to University of Miami. There was a spirit city that had multiple layers around us, and we could start to travel into other dimensions just by looking at the structures. I saw a bubble covering a series of buildings that gave it a futuristic and high tech feel. Somehow this felt so normal the entire time just to gaze at these multiple layers of city. I had an old but well kept volvo like my dad’s old car and someone had left the door open the previous night and rain and weather had gotten in. It was stuck in a parking lot behind lots of other cars and you could barely get it out of there, I remember thinking it was very annoying to figure out how to get the car out of the lot. I stepped in and revved it up a few times, turning the key in the ignition and pushing on the gas pedal until it started. I thought about how you need to start a car every once in a while even if you don’t drive it just to keep the engine running smoothly.

My old friend Phil was with us and we were just hanging out talking about cars and whatever, like old times.

There was this big old bookstore that had many books from many different religions inside and we all decided to go in there, although some of us (a few other friends were with us) felt disgusted by it. I said “don’t worry I’ve been here before” and as we were about to go in there the whole thing began to look like the campus I had spent years of my childhood in, the University of Miami. The lobby had all these Japanese products and Jennifer really liked this rice cooker you could put all sorts of different dishes in. It was one of their top products, selling to the Japanese and I was trying to figure out why she liked it so much, since we already had a rice cooker. She really wanted it, though, so we ended up getting it, deciding to take back the other cooker.

I went downstairs to the bathroom and was amazed how small it was. I had to bend down just to use the toilet.

So what now do we do with all these words? Are dreams even worth recording and looking at? I’ve been recieving and recording visions and dreams for over 10 years now. Although I believe in teh power of the human imagination to reach out and interface with the Spirit Realms, sometimes it’s better to simply get a dream written down because you didn’t have to “conjure” it up. There was no way you could have made it up, because it was a dream. The ancients put a lot of emphasis into dreams and their interpretation. As Joseph with the Egyptians and as with Daniel with the Babylonians, you can see a common theme: Dreams were treated with a lot of importance.

When it comes to visions, often it takes more faith and the right mindset to receive what was seen. Some people just dun gon’ ain’t gonna believe somethin’ you “conjured.” My impression with visions is very simple- get your feet on the Reality of the Word of God and then just build up from there. There is nothing new under the sun. I’ve noticed with anything that is contrived or imagined, it has to come from somewhere and goes somewhere. Even if it’s completely random at first, the ability for humans to reach out and pull things out of thin air and create them into this world whether through words or music almost always has to have inspiration behind it. With robots coming to take the majority of jobs, the ability to be a doorway or portal from another world into this world is very key and is something that no robot can do. Humans are gates and we bring more gates into the world when we have children.

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