I set a goal to fly to space in a dream. The results shocked me!

in #dreams7 years ago (edited)

So about 2-3 years ago I set a goal to find myself in cosmic space while lucid dreaming. I liked to experiment during the sleep and trying new things. Flying in space or visiting another planet sounded like a great idea! But reaching that goal was harder that I thought and what happened after, surprised me...


I lost an ability to lucid dream whenever I want some time ago, but I still regained consciousness in dreams from time to time. The problem was I couldn't get there! When I tried just to fly from Earth to space, I couldn't fly so fast and moreover I realized that the sky in a dream is "flat" (that is it's really not 3 dimensional space which leads to space), so I am not REALLY flying to space and the "blue sky" can last forever. Furthermore, flying at high speed for a long time made me wake up.

So after few fails with flying, I tried to teleport there. I had imagined a door behind me, I turned around and there they were! So far so good. So then I imagined that behind that door there is a cosmic space. But when I opened the door there was nothing unusual - the door didn't worked as a teleport - I saw the same thing as it should be in real life, so - still Earth.

Since I haven't lucid dreamed on purpose, it took me some time to finally get there. So one afternoon before Moderat concert I took a 1 hour nap. I experienced an enormous lucid dream, lasting about 40 mins, full conscious, very, very complex and interesting. After that I wrote about 12 pages in my dream diary describing this dream. Anyway, I will describe only small fraction of my dream related to the topic:

In the middle of the dream I recalled myself about my goal. So I was standing there, on Earth and I was looking at the Sun. I don't know how I came up with an idea, but here's what I did: I flew up to the sky (but as fast as before) and headed towards the sun... Then I put my hands on my face to cover almost all my view except little "aperture". It was this kind of "batman hands" like the photo of David Bowie below shows, but even tighter.


Then I was looking at the Sun. With such a small view it was way easier to manipulate the dream reality. So I split the sun into little pieces, small fractions of shiny stars! Then I just changed the little background of the view to black (it would be impossible without "batman hands". Now I had a l little circle of space in front of my eyes. What did I do? I just took my hands off my face and BOOM! I AM IN SPACE NOW!

But what happened next, shocked me and I surely wasn't excepting that. My body disappeared. I disappeared. I got melted with space. I've become space. I had an impression I am the whole universe at the moment. I was still conscious. The feeling was really, really psychedelic and to be honest - I got scared, because it felt really mystical and I couldn't (or I was too shock to try) change it. The space started to float and spin really, really fast. Suddenly I started to see colorful images, geometrical patterns, fractals and music. It was similar to DMT experience. I was conscious all the time, but I barely remember this part... I have never experienced more intense state in a dream.


After few minutes (!) I "woke" up on Earth again and I still lucid dreamed for about 20 mins...

The absurd logic of the dream is what makes lucid dreaming fun. If we would have total, full control and the dream would not surprise us - it would be shame! Some dreams are "big", or how Carl Jung called them - archetypal, and I think this was one of those dreams. Hope you liked the story!

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