Only in Dreams...

in #dreams6 years ago

So last night, I had my very first lucid dream and although it was short, it was a very cool experience! My Dad had the ability to lucid dream by choice, and I was always fascinated by the concept. Dad passed away 9 years ago, so I thought it was very fitting that he decided to visit me in my first lucid dream :)

I’m sure I dreamed of my dad because yesterday was Father’s Day and he was on my mind all day. I’ll spare you the boring part of it, but basically I found myself at the apartment complex where he used to live before he died. I remember thinking, “It’s been way too long since I’ve visited dad. I should go see if he’s home!” That’s when I realized that I was dreaming because he is no longer here.

However, I made the somehwhat conscious decision to walk toward his apartment and I found him sitting on the bench outside. I guess I should consider it a semi-lucid dream because I would have hugged him, cried, and told him how much I miss him. Instead I sat down by him and asked, “So what’s it like to be dead?” He shrugged his shoulders and said, “Eh, it’s not too bad” and then softly smiled :)

And then my stupid alarm went off.

It sure was nice to see my dad though, even if it was just for a short, sweet moment :)



Very weird... I usually have very lucid and emotional dreams when I'm going through a bought of seizures. I don't know what the connection is but it seems to go hand in hand with my epilepsy. I've awakened Davis in the middle of the night by screaming or crying very loudly because of mine.

Very strange to think about what must go on inside your head during a seizure :( I hate that for you Jen. Love ya ❤️

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