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in #dreams7 years ago (edited)

(Photo taken from google)

I went to a beach party. Alone. There were lots of people. Suddenly, there was a song played. A kind of song that made me dance to the beat. I can't remember the title nor the lyrics nor the tune. But after that, reggae songs were played. "One Day" by Matiyashu was one of them. I started singing, enjoying myself. People were looking at me like I'm some kind of crazy girl.

The party was kinda dark with only a bonfire to light up the night. One man started talking to me. I couldn't see his face clearly but I enjoyed conversing with him. Everybody started to go home so we went back to his place but visitors were not allowed to come in. He mentioned earlier that his roommates were there and no bunk bed's available. However, he still told me to follow him up. I went up the stairs. The stairs was very weird. After climbing a few steps, there was another stair cutting right after the former stair with really narrow steps. One wrong step and you'll fall to your death. I was able to come up but to my surprise, a woman was trailing me behind. She shrieked, "Who are you?" I just looked at her, quite surprised but I continued climbing up. I came into the door of the room. I opened it and saw more people inside. I finally saw the man's face. He wasn't what I expected. He was much, much older. And he wasn't the only one there. He's not only with his roommates but there were women and kids sitting on the red floor. Then, the woman from behind me started talking.

"You know that visitors aren't allowed in here. Why'd you bring her?" She pointed at me.
The people inside were startled and looked as if they were all guests. I thought I understood that they were family of the man I was with. I immediately said, "I was just about to leave."
"We'll take you home. Right, boys?" The man blurted out.

Two or three of his teenage boys or maybe older, I couldn't remember, but all good-looking, raised their hands as if volunteering with their heads nodding fast in agreement. I went down immediately while the man followed with his boys. He talked to me. We stopped by a store or some kind of shed by the roadside with a bright light still talking. I can't really remember what we talked about but it might have something to do with him being married. I remember his boys passing by us on the way home. They seemed to be eating something.

Then, everything was dark. It was like entering a void. Not that I've experienced entering one but I just seem to know the feeling. Or maybe, I simply forgot what happened next.

I don't know if years passed or if it was days only but I was back in that compound. I don't know how I was with the handsome guy I was with or how I met him. I just knew that I was talking comfortably with him but felt uneasy when we went past the gate. I'm not sure if we were walking, riding a motorcycle, a tricycle or a car. My mind was consumed by the fact that he lives there.

"Are you a seaman?" I asked him with a serious tone.
He just smiled at me. As much as I couldn't figure out if he really is, I also couldn't figure out where exactly was the room of the man I was with the first time I was there.

We arrived at his two-storey house. I can't remember how the house looked outside but I think the inside was like an old Filipino house. As soon as entering the door, the washing machine is on the left side with all the laundry baskets on the floor. The stairs is right ahead. I don't know exactly what I did in there but I remember going down the stairs and the handsome guy tossing dirty clothes into the basket with another woman from the other house laughing and teasing my handsome fellow.

He told me that he'll take me home but I insisted that he just take me somewhere near and I would walk home from there. We talked a lot but I couldn't remember. I seemed to have enjoyed it. We seemed to be lovers. I still thought about him while climbing the stairs to my boarding house. That's when I realized that I didn't know that handsome guy's name. Not even his phone number nor his facebook account. Sadly, there was no way to contact him. I woke up from my slumber. Bummer!

I'm not sure if those dreams were connected because I've been dreaming about geass earlier that night.
Geass is a power granted to a user after sealing a contract with an immortal witch. (I don't know exactly what they are but so far that's what they've been called.) Each geass if different depending on the strength or capability of the user. The geass I dreamed about is the absolute power of the King which can be used to command anyone once by looking directly to the eyes.

I can't remember the details about my first dream which was about geass. I just know I probably had that dream because I was watching Code Geass all afternoon, yesterday. Such weird dreams. Luckily, I was able to remember most of the last dreams. Still, I have no idea what these dreams mean. Are they prophetic? O do I just need a man in my life? Or is it my sad fate to be always separated from the man I like?

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