On the Magic, or should I say, spiritual, of just getting out of your own way.

in #dreams5 years ago (edited)

Of course, I have some laundry to do and I haven’t yet combed my hair, or made the calls, all of which I’ve scribbled upon a pad sitting here, next to me at the computer tower. But, these don’t seem as important as getting the process of last night and this morning down and out to perhaps, inspire someone else? I guess I grew up calling it testimony—offering a testimony of spirit when the fire to move is felt.

So, this morning I woke, with varying dreams, but one that seemed to stick with me, although I didn’t take the time to write it down like I often do, instead I was off to the gym to work-out before checking in for my about-the-world, dream class via a zoom platform. So, I did think of the dream while walking fast at my seven-set incline, looking out over the river and the sun rising up the roof’s about town.

Once home, notebook and red pen in hand, and blue floral scarf over my head for journey work, we were reminded the best way to navigate your life is to take action on dreams that come, and especially the ones that you don’t ask for. Our intention going into the journey was laid out, as we go into a brief, two minute drummed-accompanied journey, pull up the dream that is currently seeking you.

Mine came quickly, the fragment from this morning. I titled it belief and it did have much to do with belief, though my understanding of just how this change, or new knowledge in relation to belief was more fluid in the dream than it seemed to be in waking. Both were the right approach to looking—to give a fuller view, a circle map and not the linear, karma drag as our dream teacher made a funny joke in reference to and I saw my inner map as layered-thin, spiral of cosmos, like the flowers…

“You don’t have to go around in a used karma (used car)!”

So this dream that I had titled belief involved a younger man, movie-star looks, who was leading a large group of people, and I was someone there too, felt in my teacher position who was in charge of many on his behalf? We had all just eaten gummy strips (marijuana edibles) and I’d walked back up to this young man and held out his gummy strip, but he was refusing to eat it. I was somewhat miffed and upset and questioned him and let him know that all of the people had eaten and believed and that now because of their pure of heart belief in him and the process, their welfare was on him, he was responsible, and how could he not now do the same as he’d instructed?

I also found the dream-map area of where this dream was transpiring, which I will call Peteetneet, in the area of the old grade school, named Peteetneet that I attended, which also lies in that pie-shape section of the universe as experienced by me.

Peteetneet was the Indian clan leader of the Timpanogos peoples.

So, I jotted all down and we continued with the class, another hour and fifty minutes or so, before we were arranged into break-out groups in which three or four of around a hundred are in a group to talk for the last half hour about the session, dreams, experiences, etc.

I was placed in a particular group, but because I don’t do the webcam and only phone, am not seen. I did see on my screen those I was supposed to be talking with, but then I was suddenly switched to another group, I could hear them, but not see them.

The first young man to speak in this new group began talking about his age group and the overlay of astrology in dreams and events happening within this group which included him, I think he said those born between 1985-1995? He talked about Santa Claus and several synchronicities and also about drug use and how he leads groups in which he uses plant medicines, but how in this workshop he was facilitating in the dream that there was a couple who came very doped up and how he’d had to talk with them about it.

For first response, there was a Dutch woman in our group who relayed some very great associations to Santa Claus and the traditions in Holland with Raven’s and Odin and poetry and all was very beautiful and applicable.

Then, it was my turn and I did of course feel immediately that my dream had been for this man and though I was not so sure how he would use the “medicine,” or take what I had to say, I shared what I’d jotted down, that it’d come to me in the night before and in the initial drumming:

Only that I knew the vision had something to do with belief and the drug referencing uncanny to my gummy strip experience. And, Santa Claus also coming to me as magic that seems real to children, but is not real and how drugs do at times take us to spiritual opening’s, but how sometimes people can get lost there too.

He told me he had been planning on using plant medicine at his next retreat, but had just decided that it wasn’t a good idea and not to. So, was I just tuning into him being in my group, or was I there to affirm some right decision for him? Who knows? I don’t pretend to know and I think that it can become very dangerous if we start to imagine that we in some way have a power rather than that we are a conduit that God/mystery/universe/spirit (whatever you’re comfortable with here) works through.

We were cut off just as he was attempting to give me his email so that he could offer me a gift in regards to a dream I’d just shared (which seemed very in-line with the Dutch woman’s dream) when the class was over and the line dead. So, I went to the webpage to look up all of the participants, he was the last of a hundred or so, and there he was, the young man I’d seen in the dream!

In one of the journeys of today, we were looking at our inner maps and I saw a circle of light thinkers—map like a flower, over-laid lives, papery thin, veil petals, like cosmos and our teacher read a Mary Oliver poem in which she pens, The path to heaven doesn’t lie flat…

Photo Credit: Chloe Si/Unsplash


That's quite a journey you are on. I hope you have more to tell us tomorrow.

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