Be Somebody Nobody Thought You Could Be

in #dreams6 years ago (edited)

Be Somebody Nobody Thought You Could Be

This article is very special to me because I definitely would love to be someone nobody thought I could be. Being that type of person makes you an example for others to follow your path in a positive way. This is where it is recommended to have a huge goal in your heart that one knows about it and when you accomplish it, you could blow people's mind.

In order to get there, it requires a lot of discipline and have the goal in your mind very clear where doubt does NOT exist. There are going to be many obstacles along the way and a lot of patience is needed for you to feed your hope to get where you want to be. I have always believed by heart that if you are not doing anything worthy in your current life, you are wasting your precious time.


Imagine being born in a very small town that no one knows about it, and through your actions, you can take your small town name being more known than ever. Of course, certain things are not able to be achieved unless you pay the price you need to pay for your goal to be alive and achieved.
When i talk about paying the price, I mean the price of working harder than ever everyday, knowing to get up after a fall in one piece, transforming yourself in the person you want to become and never give up until the job is done.

I came to USA 13 years ago with a suitcase full of clothing and dreams. Pretty much nothing else than that, with nothing of value other than myself. I always thought in giving up during that time to the point of being depressed for a while. Dark clouds are always in the way and can make you very dark if you let them.

After getting myself together, I decided to look forward and no backwards. It took much time of learning the English language on a way to be very good at it (mission achieved). It is easy to say what you have gone through in life, but it is not easy at all to go through it. I invite you to dream more than usual and encourage yourself to be the best version of yourself.

"Become someone legendary to achieve your dreams"

Many blessings to All.


"You are already amazing, don't try to be so perfect"
"Become someone legendary to achieve your dreams"
"Love is like a box of chocolates because you never know what you are going to get"
"Be there for your love ones when it rains, they know you'll stand with them when it shines"
"The power of your words depends on the power of your actions"
"Save yourself, Your Life Is 100% Your Responsibility"
"Make your future bigger than your Past"
"Take care of your dreams today, so your dreams take care of you tomorrow"
"Your kindness will always return to you in any way, shape or form"
"If you want to get an education, just travel the world"
"Beautiful things in life are beautiful, because they were hard to achieve"
"Love everybody the same way you love yourself. If you don't love yourself, you have no one to love"
"You change the world by changing yourself and providing a little bit of kindness everyday"
"Never look down on someone, unless you are helping them up"
"Take care of your body, so your body takes care of you"
"You can't give others what you don't have; If you do, you're giving part of yourself"
"Embrace your dream with passion and love, and money will come after you"

Stay blessed.

Note: Each post is created out of life experiences and personal opinion. There is nothing written in stone, your opinion is valuable and can be different.



You are right we should make our self example for other . A person can say make your self as he make his self. So we can change our self easily

Well done my friend
Who among us does not like to be praised by others? Or see that ideal model that everyone would like if they were like him? Of course we all hope so.
But your religion will not come unless you sacrifice, put dreams and goals, and walk in a steady way to achieve them.

Thanks for such a nice and motivational and inspirational post. It is your attitude, self belief, confidence and hard work to achieve your goal make you successful. If you get good successful life. People will definitely follow you. So you will be somebody of lot of people. This is only possible to dream big and self belief + hard work

Very well said my friend. Very proud of you for sharing your words with us. Thank you very much :)

You are right we can achieve our goals if we have confedence on own. Its mean that if we have believe in our self then we can achieve our goals

It is wonderful to set the goal with our mind, to have ambition, and to reach the goal, we must persevere in overcoming obstacles. We must look ahead in addition to planning by putting the necessary steps and measures. I wish you success and reach your goal. Be sure that hope is great. , I wish you good luck my dear friend @javybar , all the best for you 👍👍😃

really very best thought of you.. we should be able to only make the burden of our minds grow, we are finally suppressed by our own thoughts,we all have advantages that are not owned by others, take advantage of that potential, we will be known and in recall.. thanks to sharing for your valuable post always. this is a very qualityfull thought post..very well done.. my dear friend.. @javybar

nice thought, you are very welcome :)

thank you for your appreciating dear friend..

Wonderful words, thank you very much. I wish you the best as well my friend :)

Wellcome for you my dear friend @javybar 👍

Owsom dear @javybar you shear perfectly I respect your thinking dear
When you come USA and your dreams IAM feel it I think you remind these moments when you come
And iam also poor in English but I try to say something and express my feeling I know that's not best but it's good for me
Thanks for shearing this post today your post toch my heart everyday I get lessons for your post

It is an honor to empower you and others. No difference between you and me, so you are able to master anything you want in life. Keep it up because miracles do exist :)

Buenos dias @javybar, tienes toda la razon , hay que perseguir nuestros sueños , en el camino encontraremos muchos obstaculos , pero lo importante es superarlos .
Tu madre desde el cielo , debe estar muy orgullosa de ti , yo como la persona que te busca para comentarte diariamente , te felicito , por que te colocas metas y trabajas para superarlas .
Sigue adelante y recuerda , que cada caida , es un nuevo aprendizaje .
Me despido hoy con mucho cariño :)

Cada caida es realmente un aprendizaje como dice ud. Muchas gracias por sus palabras. Son afirmaciones que vinen atraves de ud, pero tambien vienen de mensajes divinos. Muchas gracias por siempre participar con todos nosotros y asi se cambia el mundo de la nada. Feliz dia!

That's right @javybar. The best of men is that which benefits others. That is someone who can be an example for others. People whose luck is accessed by others.

Very grateful for your comment. 100% appreciation for you :)

It is all upto us that how we keep motivating ourselves to stay on track and wait and keep working until we get it....
Thanks for sharing your personal experience..

thank you for your contribution as well/.

Yeah Very well said javy . I loved it because I have exactly the same thought and drrams to achieve but as you said some hurdles and dark clouds are in the way. But I never get depressed, one thing that I always do that is Hope. You have to believe in yourself till the day your signature becomes autograph. Work work and work with devotion.

Totally agree with you. Believing in yourself is the main key for everything. I fell and got up. Here I am :)

Yes you are an inspiration for us.

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