Dream journal: I realize I am going to get busted on fraudulent checks (cheques)

in #dreams6 months ago

I am not sure why I am dreaming about criminality a lot lately but that does seem to be the case. In the past month I have dreamt of robbing a bank, being involved in insurance fraud and last night I had a dream about having a bunch of paper checks and then realizing after I had already written half of them, that I was going to get caught and couldn't think of any way that I could possibly get out of this.

I know it is from a video game, get over it

This dream was a bit more blurry than most of the ones that I have and I don't recall what my job was or who the people were that were around me. I do remember that upon the "system" busting some inauthentic checks that had been written and the boss telling me about it that I realized that I had already done exactly the same thing and was scrambling to think of ways that I could cover my tracks only to realize that this wasn't going to be possible.

In the dream instead of attempting to correct the mistake, which I knew wasn't possible at this point, I was researching methods of disappearing to avoid prosecution.


Me being involved in fraud always kind of surprises me because other than income tax evasion, which is completely legal if you do it the right way, I have never been the kind of person to commit theft of any kind. I'm a pretty damn honest person but in my dreams I am apparently someone that is looking for a leg up, legal or not, at all times.

The thing that is funny to me about the appearance of paper checks is that I haven't seen, yet alone used, a paper check in over 20 years. There was a time when I got into a shouting match with the Student Loan Commission after I moved overseas when they demanded that I pay a certain amount of money every month via paper check from a US bank. I explained to them that I do not live in the United States so could I please just wire them the full year's payment all at once into the exact same account that the checks would be ending up in anyway? They were having none of this so eventually I exploded at them saying "who the fuck uses paper checks anymore?"

That's a different real-life story though, so instead for now let's just focus on my dream.

According to dream interpretation websites the committing of fraud in a dream can mean a wide variety of things as expected.

  • You are about to lose a good friend
  • You are thinking about deceiving your employer for gain (come on, too obvious)
  • You are acting badly in SOME WAY in real life

Those are all a one size fits all explanation other than perhaps the first one and these trite statements are why I have very little faith in psychology and the people who purport to know what they the hell they are talking about in those regards.

So I woke up before I faced any consequences in the dream, as is common for me in such scenarios. I think that Valium that I took last night probably contributed to the deep sleep that I accomplished and also why I was so relieved and temporarily confused as to where I was when I first woke up.

Have you ever dreamt of something similar? If so I bet it didn't involve relics of the past like paper checks!


Dreams are quite something. There was a period in between my dad passing in 2021 and my grandmother passing in 2022 that i had this disturbing dream.

It was never the same dream but the feeling was always the same. I had killed someone and burried them in my backyard. Sometimes I had been caught by the cops, but they didn't know what i had happened. Other times I would be freaking out, digging up the entire yard because I'd moved the body and couldn't find it. Other times yet, someone i didn't know would walk up to me and say, i know what you did...

Dreams are odd...

wow. This must be a common things because I frequently dream that I have killed someone and hidden or buried the body. Then there will be a situation later where that land is going to be used or the building is going to be demolished where I have hidden the body and I have to quickly do something to move it.

I've never been caught in these dreams but i do always have this feeling of dread that I will be.