Dream analysis: I'm hanging out with Joe Biden in a conservative town

in #dreams5 months ago

This is a very strange one because unlike most Americans it seems, I don't ever think about politics and don't give a half damn about Joe Biden. Yet last night when I went to sleep my brain decided that I was going to be traveling around a series of small towns in somewhere like rural Kansas or something and the person who is hanging out with me is Joe Biden.


Please note that this is NOT at all intended to be a political statement on my part whatsoever. I do not give a crap about anyone's politics, even the country that is on my passport. I have no intention of ever living there again so provided that the State Department doesn't act like complete assholes to the entire world and I have the ability to continue traveling and living abroad, I really don't give a shit who is in office. That being said, please don't turn the comment section into some sort of political soapbox because I will not engage. Understood? good, now lets' move on to how odd this dream was.

I grew up partially in rather rural environments. Both of my parents' parents were farmers so these are places that I would frequently visit even though my family had moved on to more urban areas. So I kind of understand how life in small towns operate. Things are just different there and dare I say, more polite. People do things like go to parties and hang out in bars and coffeeshops just like they do anywhere else, but the difference is that the people in these places tend to know everyone else that is there too.

The few times that I visited my grandparents when I was a teenager that would party I was welcomed pretty easily. I was welcomed BECAUSE I was an outsider, not the other way around. Maybe I was good-looking as a teen, I really don't know. So basically in this dream I was a teenager again but for some reason there was an old man that just happens to be the president of the United States right now.


So we were at a party in a barn, which yes, is quite common in rural America or at least was when I lived there, and I didn't know anyone and for whatever reason Biden was with me. He was dressed down and I was curious where his security detail was and he just told me "oh don't worry, they are around."

The thing was, almost all of the people that were at the party were very welcoming to me, but were upset and confused as to why I was hanging out with Joe and they were angry with me for bringing him along. I don't follow Joe in the news but am familiar with how poor of a public speaker he is these days. Not in my dream he wasn't... In the dream he was actually kind of shy and shrugged off the fact that people didn't want him there and in a way, I was protecting him and trying to get people to be cool with him. I succeeded some of the time and other times failed. I do recall that Joe was asked to leave a party and I got kicked out as well. Remember, I do not care about Joe Biden or politics at all, so the fact that he was in my dream, let alone rather powerless in my dream and I had to protect him, was even more strange.

There are only a few things I can think of as to why this dream happened.

Throughout my life I have always been reasonably popular and from childhood to the current day I have been a bit of a "protector" of people less popular than I am. I recall in high school there was a kid who was bullied quite a lot by other kids in high school and I took him under my wing in a way. His name was Richard: He was smaller than you should be at his age, was socially awkward, and I don't think he had ever had the chance to even hold a girl's hand, let along have a girlfriend. It's not that he was funny looking he just didn't really fit the "mold" that dictated if someone was going to have a bunch of friends or not.

I was in drama class with him and even though he got on my nerves just as much as he did everyone else's, I felt this desire to look after him going as far as hanging out with him in the parking lot after school where the "cool kids" hung out and had him come along. I introduced him to a bunch of people and got people talking to him and they kind of found out that this social outcast was actually an alright dude. I also gave him a ride home from school because I had a car and he didn't - I don't think he would have been able to reach the pedals because he was remarkably short.

Later in life I would continue to look after people who were less fortunate than I am and this continues to this day with a person I know who is a bit strange and people generally don't like him. I took the time to get to know him and found out that he has genuine reasons for the strange way that he behaves and instead of just hate him for it the way that everyone else does, I tried to talk to him about it instead. Turns out he too is an alright person who just makes some mistakes when he is drunk. Anyone who drinks a bit can probably relate to this.

Anyway, I guess that is why I was attempting to protect Biden in the dream. I don't have any particular affinity towards the actual Joe Biden but I guess I am just not a fan of anyone being rejected from society because of perceptions others have of them. That's all I can come up with anyway.


now let's see what the experts have to say about this

Dreaming about hanging out with a celebrity expresses your desire to achieve something greater in life

Ok, great. I expected something like this hokum. This could apply to almost anything and therefore is exactly the sort of mumbo jumbo I would expect from psychologists

Dreaming of being around a celebrity means that you have high self-esteem and confidence. You value you self-worth

I would say that this is actually the opposite of how I feel most days. I'm single, in my 40's, and have a bit of a gut that I am trying to get rid of. So I'm going to reject the experts analysis of this particular dream.

I dream of some crazy stuff, but at least in this one it wasn't at all scary... just strange.

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