Illusion Wrapped In Illusion (Black Holes & Holodecks)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #dreams6 years ago (edited)


Black Holes & Holodecks

I've been having some really strange dreams lately. I've gone through more than a few mornings of waking up to sweat soaked sheets.

I can't really recall specific details except I know that they were weird. The only expression I can think of that summarizes it best is that it felt like I traveled through black holes and holodecks.

The experience has left me with a skeptical feeling. It is a feeling that inclines me to question reality itself. Have you ever felt like you are living in an illusion wrapped up in another illusion? It all reminds me of that great film, Inception.



The night is still
Like the early morning calm at water's edge
My head rests on plush pillow top
Off to sleep later than I should
I close my eyes and it begins again

Falling into the abyss
Far into depths of darkness
I spiral down into the universe
Like comets and asteroids with supersonic speeds
Light blurs as sound is muffled into obscurity

Motionless I float
Weightless and formless
At the edge of infinity
I look beyond creation
Staring into dimensions invisible to eyes and earthly senses
I find it lurking in the shadows
I am defenseless

Black forms of fizzling darkness
Move in closer to my paralyzed body
Malevolent being
I was once afraid
Now I welcome your presence

Come to me
Reveal your mystery
Expose your truths
Free me from this drudgery
Be one with me
Guide me to realms unknown
Like sub-atomic particles
Passing through realities and into fantasy

Each morning I awake
After you've wiped all memories
Yet I have not forgotten my journey
It's recorded not visually but as a feeling
Déjà vu
A hunch
It is synchronicity
I've been here before
Repeating the experience over forevermore
Questioning the construct of my reality

Free In Thought

As always, I truly appreciate your support and comments. If you feel so inspired, please upvote, comment and resteem.



Images used are CC0 Public Domain unless noted or clearly original
Writing is original - Always

All written material is copyrighted (c) by @freeinthought the year it was posted

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