Experiencing Death in a Dream

in #dreams8 years ago (edited)

(Image source: http://hunter0309.deviantart.com/art/Trippy-Portal-18770271

This image almost perfectly portrays what I saw in my dream)

Okay, so I have always had really messed up dreams. And now with everything in my life going on with my band, my job, and school all while still trying to practice and improve on guitar has doubled my stress. My dreams have become even more terrifying. Before, I just thought they were cool and interesting. Usually there would be some kind of monster or alien or ghost etc. that was basically invincible going on a killing spree, hunting everyone around me down to slaughter in some really messed up horrendous way. This dream was a bit different in that there was no setting, everything felt empty and lacking of something, and it actually terrified me more than almost any other dream I have experienced previously.

I remember attempting to parallel park multiple times, every time failing and hitting a car until I finally got so frustrated that I left. I don't remember any sort of transition from that to what happened next.

I began seeing bright colors swirling all around me, and a vision of my car came into view. For some reason the front where the engine and front tires used to be had been destroyed into an oddly perfect flat surface right below where the windshield began. After seeing it right in front of me for a brief amount of time, the image began moving very slowly in my general direction from the upper left portion of my view relative to where I was. It would continue floating towards me in what I can only describe as a void, inching towards my left side over what seemed to be a few minutes. Then the image would shake and stutter to then proceed to return to its original position and repeat the cycle. I couldn't think straight. That may not make sense to some people as we usually all lack the ability to process information well when we are in a dream. But this was oddly different in the fact that my mind was not able to think of hardly anything, it was almost completely blank without any thoughts of the colors or the car other than it was odd. Even that thought was watered down to its most basic form of basically an emotion mixed between surprise and curiosity, not a concrete thought. Then the image of an 18 wheeler came into view and the image of my car instantly disappeared without me noticing. I began to regain some ability to think, and fear struck me. "Am I going brain dead? Was I in a car crash and now I'm on the verge of death?". The fear intensified as I was stuck inside of this reality for quite some time despite my attempts to regain consciousness (of what I thought was my dying body, not attempting to wake myself up as I was convinced I was having a near death/death experience).

Finally I woke up in a panic, my heart racing and sweating a bit. I tried to forget about it as I knew I needed to wake up early the next morning (which is the usual now) but the experience still haunts me a bit.

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