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RE: Dream Diary - 19/10/17

in #dreams7 years ago

What a treat it is to come across your fabulous post, thanks for pointing them out my way. They are clear, well written and your choice of photography just bang on!

So far, from what I have read, a lot of these are relational dream and seem to reflect on the social interactions your persona is having with society and the people in your life, including yourself. I often call them social dreams...

Now that you have gathered a considerable amount of "data" in the form of dreams, have you started finding correlatives between them? Maybe a group of people around the same kind of settings or a specific location around which a whole bunch of oneiric adventures take place? By finding points of connection between dreams, you start to build up a "library" of connections, really worthwhile keeping close at hand for a closer look, especially after a certain time has elapsed to allow you to have more perspective and a bit more of a neutral point of consideration...

Anyhow, this is some of the points I'll be discussing in the next article. I look forward to reading more thoroughly through your articles, now that I follow you. You are prodigious and highly successful on our platform. May it keep on coming your way and our ways. we all gain from such quality! ;)

Have a wonderful day, keep on Steeming, smiling, taking good care and thrive on!

Namaste :)


@eric-boucher Thank you so much for your reply. I really do enjoy posting about my dreams. What you have said certainly gives me food for thought. I'm looking forward for you to read my forthcoming dreams. I'm looking forward to read your posts too. :-)

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