The Weirdness of Dreams: Of Eskrima, Guitar Riffs, and odd magickal undertones Oh My

in #dreams8 years ago (edited)

This is going to be a weird post. It really has no ending or purpose, and unlike past posts I am not going to reshape my dream from this morning into some form of story. I just felt like documenting it as it is an amusing combination of things. It did not end, and it never really had much of a resolution.

Walking into the arena

Apparently myself (though I never saw myself) and two others were walking into some big arena and it starts outside. This is not a big arena you'd expect for this. This is more like walking into a huge indoor sporting arena with a covered roof. At least that is what it is like from the outside.

I am being spoken to about how it's been awhile since I held the sticks, and that I've been out of town. They mention how I need to contain myself if I see the ADVERSARY (I am calling this as I don't remember his dream name) which is apparently some rival from my past.

This has a strangely Karate Kid (or mix in some other martial arts movie) feel to it. The other two are here to compete. Compete in what? Well it becomes clear it is to be Eskrima. I have never studied Eskrima in my ventures in Martial Arts. I am familiar with what it is, but I have never once engaged in any form of Eskrima. Dreams are pretty cool when they take things like this and throw it together. I do like martial arts though so let's see where this dream goes. (subconsciously I believe I was aware that I was enjoying this dream). So far, so good. Nothing too strange and it had the makings for a decent beginning to a movie.

Enter the Arena

There were further discussions about the rivalry. I remember saying if it came to that I was not concerned as I had ways to deal with the eskrima if it came up. The implication was that I'd been away for awhile and I'd learned a great deal many more things besides eskrima. Like I said it had a bit of that movie feel for a few moments... All of that was about to change.

Enter the guitar

A nice Les Paul and strap appears in the hands of a person about to compete and they let off some quick metal riffs. The battle challenge of the Eskrima contest, and then the guitar disappears with a pop. Okay, as a guitarist who loves metal, martial arts, and magickal discussions this dream is ticking many boxes. This dream is going to be right up there with The Stranger Thingsin terms of tapping into my pure nostalgia moments.

There over there another metal shredding lick and guitar and amp materializing and dematerializing happens. The dream never implied it was magickal. It treated this as normal. If it makes you more comfortable it could just as easily be viewed as someone in a transporter room in the Star Trek series beaming guitars down and back up. That is actually kind of what it looked like.


So now I am hooked into this dream. I normally would have woken up long before this. I end up sleeping a good three hours longer than I normally do. The dream has me. When is their going to be a good Eskrima fight? Where are some more cool guitar riffs? As my mind seems to lock onto these things they cease really being events. It is as if my mind likes teasing me and keeping me on my toes. I'll focus on one thing and it will introduce something else on the side. Very well.... what is it going to introduce?

Nothing today... I decided it was time to wake up.


So I wake up wander around the house to get some coffee, briefly mention Eskrima, Guitars and Magick to my wife and she chuckles. I had to tell her what Eskrima was. She said perhaps it was my mind battling over the fact I don't exercise much anymore, and I haven't played my guitars in quite some time. Ya never can tell exactly what was going on in a dream, but this one had some interesting cross imagery. I thought it might be fun to share these bizarre settings for a Sunday morning...

Steem On!

Images made by me... yet my intro collage was built from ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ) though I did heavily modify these and manipulate them in a 3D environment

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