Today's dream: Saving people on a horse

in #dreams6 years ago

I've never ridden a horse, or dreamt that I've ridden one, but today, I dreamt that I was riding a horse uphill on a mountain. As I was admiring the beauty of nature while moving forward, I saw a group of four or five people being assaulted by two armed men. They were of mixed genres and ages and seemed to be part of a hiking crew, not a family. There was an older man, a middle-aged woman, a young woman and a young man, and there may have been another skinny boy or girl that I can't remember.

They were very scared, being held at gunpoint. The criminals told them to lie down on the ground. Then, they simply left as if they were going to come back. In my dream's common sense, if you're in a mountain and someone with a gun is going to come back, you won't have time to run. However, I came by and I had a horse, which is faster than two men on foot.

I'm not usually one to take risks. I'm faint-hearted and my heart pumps fast with adrenaline at the mere thought of confrontation. Yet, I knew that these people were in for something worse if they stayed. I decided to approach them. I told them.

I can carry one of you back if you want.

They looked at me only slightly relieved. There was someone here that could help, even though it wasn't anyone strong or with any means of salvation. I just had a horse. I looked back and thought that the horse could fit two people, probably, before collapsing under the weight.

I could probably carry two. You can choose who wants to come.

I pointed at them, making sure they understood, and the two youngest people decided to come along with me. It was the only thing I could do for them before the criminals came back. I don't know if it would have been feasible for the others to run downhill, but in my dream mindset, it wasn't possible.

As soon as they got on the horse, I started to ride downhill. Another thing that I think now is that I could probably leave the two people I grabbed slightly further down and then come back for the other two, see if I have time, but I simply rode downhill until I reached a street at the foot of the mountain.

We got down from my horse and started to talk. They told me why they were there, about the circumstances, that they were just hiking when these two men appeared out of nowhere. I had seen it all happen but it was good conversation. A few minutes afterward, in a dream-scene-jump, the others I had left on the mountain came down too.

They told us that when the criminals came back, the younger man that was with them grabbed his violin, which had been in its case before, and hit one of the criminals with it. The older man grabbed the other criminal and they immobilised them and disarmed them. Then, they simply came down. We talked for a while and I felt that I befriended the two youngest ones. They said bye to me in a very friendly way and I was satisfied.

Then, I thought I'd woken up. I told my aunt what I dreamt and she said "so, you were riding a horse... on a mountain? And you carried two people downhill, on a steep path, while sprinting?" I had to admit that it was very unrealistic.

Then I woke up again and realised that I was talking about my dream while still dreaming. I was also very frustrated, feeling that I could have done so much more if I had thought of it, but at the same time, I was a bit frustrated because first, I don't know how to ride a horse, and second, even if I did, I could not ride it while on a mountain, and third, I was too slow minded and didn't realise both the faults in this half-reality or the faults in my plans.

And now I'm ok. It's just a dream. We are not full-minded in dreams. I can't blame myself for that.

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