Today's dream: Rescuing newfound friends in a rural town

in #dreams6 years ago

Image taken from Pixabay

When my dream started, I was looking for transportation. I asked around in look of someone who would be willing to take me to my destination. A man told me “I can”, and I approached him. He was white, tall and had pronounced muscles. He had a nice face.

I felt as if I lived in a remote part of a beach town in another completely different part of the country. He told me that he’d take me no problem. I asked him if he knew where I was telling him to go, and he said that he knew that place very well because “Isabel” lived there. For the whole time that he had liked her, apart from wooing her and other in-love activities, he had walked and ridden through this whole land, perhaps looking for opportunities, and had gained unmatched knowledge about it.

I saw the remote place where we were going in my mind, and then we were there. It was a rural town with unpaved roads. Dust rose from the ground. When we approached. There were closed stores, and I, or my character, pointed far away toward a building. I said “Hey, isn’t that your Isabel? It seems she turned sides and now has an interest for the military!”. She was roaming around the building where the militia lived, standing on her toes or jumping to look through the tall windows, running around the building.

I remember her appearance well. She was wearing dark skinny jeans and a white shirt. She was well-endowed, had long wavy hair (dark brown) and a beautiful face. In her eyes, she seemed to have a mission, jumping around as she was, like a journalist trying to enter a secret meeting place, or a desperate girl trying to take a peek of a crush. The man interrupted my thought process by telling me that we were going there.

The girl had gone in, the man had gone in, and I was left outside, a bit worried about their safety. I paid attention to my surroundings and I heard fighting. Then, I heard lighting, as if they had superpowers or something. I was more worried now, thinking that one of them might die in the crossfire. I decided I’d go in. I hadn’t waited for more than a minute.
I walked to a roofed front yard and approached the entrance door. It was wooden and simple. I don’t know what I did, but I half opened it from the lower part, as if I were moving a heavy sheet of cardboard, and then the opening reached the level of my head.

I looked inside. There was an open space, like an indoors baseball field. Close to the door, there two people in sight, two youngsters who were in my group (my dream told me they were friends, but I don’t think I had seen them before, either in real life or in the dream). They shouted at me like “Ohh, Sharonnn, how did you open the door! “, and I said something like “Well, I found this blabla” (I can’t remember what my excuse was), and after convincing them for a few seconds that it was alright to live through here, they started yelling things like “Hey, Mario! We’re leaving through the honey opening here!”

I don’t know why they called it a “honey opening”, but it was really funny. I don’t remember any honey, except the sensation of honey when they said that it was a “honey opening”. I imagined its flavour and texture, but it didn’t last long. They all left, passing through the opening I created in what otherwise they would have had some trouble to escape, and we all went to the street.

It wasn’t spoken, but there was an obvious worry that it was a fact that they would follow us and find us anywhere we went. We couldn’t go to our homes because we’d be found and killed, and we probably couldn’t cross any borders. Someone started speaking loudly and said, “So what are we going to do now!?”

And someone else proposed “What about the Colosseum?”. I looked up ahead and there was a colosseum there, gigantic and bluish-brown from the distance. Then the guy who had spoken at first said “Yeah! We’re gonna be gladiators!”. I was very worried about their choices now. I didn’t want to go into a field and die for entertainment. But everyone seemed very excited about this and kept walking toward the Colosseum. I don’t remember any more of my dream from this point on until I woke up.

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