Today's dream: A mixture of Counter-Strike and Hunger Games

in #dreams6 years ago (edited)


An ultra-violent game

I was standing on top of a hill watching everything from multiple perspectives. People were discussing things around me. They spoke of arrival times, that there was a risk that some of the people they were waiting for would not come. Suddenly, a man that was sniping a couple meters left to me said that he could see the swordsman. Everyone grabbed binoculars and watched closer. I could see a man that was very much like the League of Legends champion Yasuo. He walked weird, like Yasuo, and everywhere he dodged, a grenade or a bullet came flying from any direction.

He jumped into a car and started driving. I watched from above as grenades flew all around his vehicle as he hurried left and right, straight ahead and then a curve back to the right deeper into the garage. Other cars had already been destroyed and he headed into a car that blocked his path. He had no way out now and a grenade came to the right of his car. It blew up in blue and yellow fire.

Some people around me started complaining, flailing their arms as they shouted bad words about their luck. Behind us, there was a forest with a wide wired fence blocking our entry. We ran into it.

The snow-fire clown

My dream skipped forward until we were in a house. Many things happened in it that I cannot remember. Next thing I know is that I walked into a room where there was a clown. Someone was talking to me, saying something about the choice of character. He explained certain things that shed light into how this "game" worked. It was like Counter Strike. When you entered, you were given a generic character, and you most certainly entered the game with a team. Then, inside the game, you could leave aside the recommended evolutions for your character and change it to your will depending on your luck with finding things and your ability.

He mentioned that there were things like "one-trick ponies" in this game who always went for the same character. This man, he told me, always picked the "snow-fire clown".

The clown walked into what looked to be the trio from Charmed. He stood in front of the one that looked like Piper and started talking mockingly. I don't know if he had a shirt on, but everything about him was colourful (mostly red, white, blue and yellow). He pulled out something like a can of pressurised cream and threw it on Piper. He laughed and said "how does it feel for it to be over so soon?". Then the white cream caught fire and Piper started screaming while looking at her chest abloom with flames. Her sisters tried hitting her chest with their hands but the fire spread too quickly and now even her head was covered with the flames.

The clown then threw his fire-snow at Phoebe and she was set on fire even quicker. I left the room and the person that was with me closed the door. I was terrified at what happened but couldn't do anything. I wondered why anyone would choose to be that clown over and over. Even though it was a game, it felt very real.

Two other mini-dreams

Things happened in the middle and the next thing I remember is sitting at a table with four people. There was my best friend, then a lovely teacher I had, then a lady that didn't interact much, then me. My best friend was looking at a notebook that my teacher had handed him and asked if this name could really be written with a K. She said that it was the Slavic spelling and pulled our her cellphone. She called a number that, on the screen, had that exact name. A man with a thick slavic accent answered the phone and was saying "Hello? Mom? Mom? Are you there? Hello?" and the teacher simply smiled and hung up the phone.

More scenes switched by and I was in a restaurant. I was sitting at a table with a pizza in front of me. Then a man came, all distracted, carrying his own pizza, and he started to show off a trick that he knew. I don't know what the trick was about, but it ended with him slipping and falling on top of my table and throwing both our pizzas flying to the ground. The restaurant owner came, smiled at him and said something about another trick. Then the man put something in his shirt's pocket and walked away.

The All-Seeing Eye

This was a dream I had yesterday in the afternoon, but I didn't have the chance to share it, so I'll write it down here.

I was in some kind of church. I was a spectator walking around. There were people to my left sitting in their pews (apparently that's the name of the church chairs), worshipping a stained-glass statue of an eye that was hanging from the ceiling like a chandelier. A few meters beyond the eye, on the ground, was a dais where a priest was standing with his hands to his sides in prayer. They were apparently calling upon the power of the eye.

A group of warriors dressed in skins and bones came in and saw the event. They walked closer to the priest quietly as if they belonged there. Then, almost without reason, but I believed it had something to do with the power of the eye causing some sort of frenzy in them, they snapped and ran to the worshippers. They dragged many people to the center of the room and hacked them with axes and machetes. Other warriors started raping a few worshippers. I could see the bloodied heads and legs of many people. I was a powerless spectator, just watching, terrified, until I woke up before the scene ended.


Gurl... those dreams sound INTENSE hahahah, the clown one reminded me of the Hesse book "Steppenwolfe" for some reason, I think because of the choosing of characters, and also the room you left.
Yep, crazy dreams indeed hahah!

Oh, I've never read that one! I've had friends and family recommend it but I'm just a bit too lazy. I usually only read fantasy and sci-fi. I'll see if I can find a mobi for my Kindle.

I tend to have these crazy dreams, filled with bizarre plots and violence.

Nope, couldn't find a mobi of Steppenwolfe. I found a lot of other books, though. Downloaded 13 thousand other books LOL, and found a library that has like 15 books for free download by German Hesse (no Steppenwolfe, though).

Well, Demian is also a really great book by him, and in fact is one of my favorite books ever, you should try and check it out, see if you like it! :D

I'm waiting for you to dream about a chilled out monkey!! Turn these dreams into books or something!

Lol, I don't have enough dreams written down for a book yet. Maybe for a quarter of one. :3

I could dream for a while more, or I could turn them into illustrated fiction! To be honest, I'm not really familiar with the formalities, but I'll ask around to see what can be done about bookicising my dreams.

And sadly, I can't controll my dreams! What is a chilled out monkey anyway? Lol. Is it a frozen monkey?

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