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RE: Dream Diary - 6/11/17

in #dreams7 years ago

This is a really great idea! I've kept journals in the past, but never a "dream log," so to speak.

They say most people rarely remember their dreams, but I don't find that to be the case. I remember many of my dreams, and let me tell you -- some of them would make for some very interesting reading!

I've often found that I have been able to "control" my dreams once in a while. That's pretty fun, but at the same time it's scary, because I find myself behaving badly when I do this. I think it's because my mind knows it's a dream, and that I could never actually do those things in reality.

It's actually quite similar to playing a video game.

At any rate, I enjoyed your post. Upvoted and followed. :)


Ah, thanks! I seem to constantly remember my dreams and I'm always telling people about them. I don't think I've ever controlled my dreams. It does sound like fun though. Maybe I should give it a go. Thank you for the upvote and follow! I hope you enjoy my dreams for the forthcoming days! :-)

don; put money seeker comment.. don't beg money in response.. if u upovted and followed the why you begging in return the same.. Best way to downvote to these scammers.. who just people making happy by giving artificial comments instead of reality.. they do only for demanding upovtes and followed.. then beg again dear. be happy and enjoy.

What are you talking about? Where did I "beg" for anything? I let the poster know I upvoted and followed them because I like their content. It's high quality and entertaining.

And what do you mean by "artificial comments?" I wrote exactly what I felt and told the truth.

I'm not sure exactly what your issue is. As I recall, you were going around and posting for people to follow you, upvote you, etc. Your approach obviously didn't work because your reputation is 1.

I instructed you to stop begging and put out some quality content, and the votes and followers would come. I then made the decision to downvote one of your comments because you kept begging. Even the author of the post threatened to downvote your comment if you didn't stop. Yet you kept on...

Now, I see that you are following me around and downvoting every comment I make out of sheer spite. Well, my friend, this can work both ways.

The only thing is that you have a reputation of "1," and I'm almost at "60." So, you may want to think about your decision to follow me around and downvote my comments and make false statements . You see, when you downvote me, nothing happens at all. It doesn't affect me one way or the other. But if I downvote you... Well, I guess you've already seen what the effect of that is.

You may want to stop. Or, you can keep going. It's your right as a member of SteemIt to downvote whatever you see fit. Just remember the road goes in both directions.

And to top it all off, you call me a "scammer," yet you are the one who has concocted a half-assed scheme to trade Steem for upvotes and follows:

See here:

But I'M the "scammer." Your thinking is seriously warped.

@contentking You are absolutely right! I thought the same thing when I read that comment. There was no need for what was said.

I don't know what is wrong with the guy. I downvoted one of his comments because he kept spamming even after myself and other members asked him to stop and so he has decided to follow me around and harass me.

He's doing it to others as well. Whatever. There is something wrong with him I think.

I don't get people like that. Can't he be reported?

I don't believe so. I wouldn't bother anyway. It's to the point now where it's comical and entertaining for me. :)

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