Some Things That Can Improve Your Life, Contributed by Anonymous

in #dreams7 years ago


We all have dreams that we want to fulfill and the purpose of those dreams is to improve your life. A dream which a lot of us guys have in common is being rich enough to buy a luxury house. Hire some guards for protection, and enjoy the presence of a female companion.

Most people blame the world for not being able to improve their lives. But, they forget that sometimes their own actions prevent them from becoming a better person and improving their lives as a whole. Yes, I'm saying you may be the one to blame.

Life gives everyone an equal chance, though the form of that chance can vary case by case. You still get the opportunity to improve your life. If you've missed those opportunities, there are still some things you can employ to improve your life. In this article, we'll discuss a few of those things.

1 - Admit your mistakes

It takes a real man to admit his mistakes in front of others and that's probably what some of us lack. It will never be easy to admit in public that you were wrong, but your honesty will pay off. The reason why most of us try to hide our mistakes and failures is "What will the community think about me?"

You are human and therefore have an excuse to make mistakes. Every human messes up and that includes you. There is no shame in admitting a mistake and saying "I'm sorry." Trust me, these are magical words that can open the whole new world of opportunities for you.


2 - Build self-confidence

A confused guy struggles to do things properly. He is one who doubts himself about whether he can do it or not. When you are confident, you put in the effort and try to find a way. When there is a will, there's a way! All you need is to become confident and believe in yourself.

Pay more attention to the positive outcomes and believe in the positive possibilities. This factor affects your whole personality. You subconsciously project whatever you feel about yourself; others judge you by​ your expressions and the energy you're giving off. Believing in yourself will make you feel strong and negative expressions will be hidden as a result.

3 - Respect the rules

An intelligent person lives with pride. Pride of what? Following the rules of the system and still being able to beat others in any specific field. There's no pride in being a thief of a cheat. No one will respect you except for maybe other criminals. Will having the respect of other criminals result in a fulfilling life for you? I doubt it.


When you start practicing these recommendations, I think you'll see yourself that your life will improve​ dramatically. If you think that I've missed something important, please feel free to add by commenting below.


According to Robert kiyosaki there are two kinds of mindset in business and life perpective:

  1. Fixed mindset- a person who don't want to learn new knowledge, if they fail certain goals they quit and it's ok for them to work any menial jobs for their whole lives.

  2. Growth mindset- a person who acknowledge failure; learn from it and move forward. Failure serves as their foundation to their success in life. "The sooner you fail, the faster you learn"- unknown. :)

yes your are right. these are fundamentals for a healthy mindset!

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