Bad Dreams

in #dreams7 years ago

Does anyone else have those dreams that really screws with you?
I had one last night, and today was my final Economics exam, so I'm blaming my grade on both that and the heat.

It wasn't even a bad dream, it was the people in it. If this dream had happened six months ago it would've been completely normal and I don't even know why I had that dream last night.

I don't know if you can tell but I don't really want to go into too much detail over what actually happened in the dream. All I'm really going to say is that it included people who have in some way or another now left my life.

I wouldn't say it was a traumatic event that lead them to leave, but it was still quite weird. And then the two of them were in my dream last night, and I havent woken up feeling like that in a long time. I was quite disorientated and tbh, it felt like it was December again (well, as close to December it can be when its 20 degrees at 7am!)

This post is kinda cryptic. Oops. Oh well.


maybe it was your thinking about the exam ,that brought it on,most of our dreams are connected to our thoughts and subconscious,even though they might be crazy and you can't connect it with you.This is why our dreams can effect us or make us feel bad.

To be honest that might make sense, it really didnt set the tone for a good exam!

our dreams can be analysed ,there's many time i've dreamt and felt lousy and weird all day.

I guess. It just sucks this was on an exam day!

Hi ,
All dreams have a metaphysical meaning. Plus certain dreams can foretell illness. Children have certain dreams when being bullied.
I interpret dreams but would need a little more information to help with yours.
However there is underlying fear of failure connected with what you mentioned. Hope this helps a little.

That could be to do with my exam! But I've finished them all now so I'm going to hopefully get more sleep!

I can probably guess who those people are... I'm sorry you had that dream AJ <3 <3

It's fine, it felt so weird seeing them again, and I think you can guess who one of them is, the other was that ones mum?? haha :P