[Dream Report] Rocky Raccoon and the Time Traveling Bicycle

in #dreams6 years ago


This is by far one of the strangest dreams I've had. Thematically it was all over the place. Often that fragmentation happens if I briefly wake up a few times in the night, but this time to the best of my knowledge I slept soundly for ~8 hours. The dream still came out like a quilt made of randomly selected fabrics.

I had apparently traveled forward in time on my eBike. It looked like normal except there was a window cut out of the side through which I could see some strange device with blue glowing light, spinning very rapidly. Presumably whatever made the time travel possible.

I rode the bike up to a dull looking brick school. There were much nicer, more advanced looking ebikes parked in the bike racks. Some of the students accosted me, making fun of how "old fashioned" my bike looked by comparison.

Just then, a version of me from the present met up with me and told me he knew exactly why I had come: to save Rocky Raccoon. We had to synchronize our watches for some reason, like in a spy movie. Then we'd each play a different role in the mission.

Rocky Raccoon was apparently a beloved school mascot who lived in a luxurious enclosure in the classroom used for biology studies. He had a little antigravity backpack that let him float from one branch to the next (there was a fake fiberglass tree in the enclosure) as well as mechanical claws for gripping onto the bark.

I don't know why Rocky was so important to me, but he was. I felt like saving his life was the most important thing. Like he'd died in the original timeline and I'd gone to all the trouble of inventing a time machine eBike just to undo that tragedy.

I remembered him flying around the classroom as I laughed at my desk, somehow one of the students at this school. What fun it was. How much I loved that ridiculous anti-gravity raccoon. Yet there was a plot to murder him.

The culprit? None other than my grumpy, grey haired old teacher. The one who scolded me for day dreaming, who shamed me for not understanding material when she didn't bother to teach it and simply had us open our textbooks to a certain page and read.

I was too late, though. Just as I got to the classroom, in a fit of rage, the teacher was beheading Rocky the Raccoon. Simply for chewing up a textbook. Rocky didn't know better, he's a raccoon. I cried and ran from the classroom.

I realized that I didn't know how to get back to my own time, too. I was surrounded by a strange, unfamiliar world (which I'd also grown up in? Somehow?) Students carried little pocket televisions but with e-ink screens. Full color and high resolution but they emitted no light.

My dreams often have weird alternative technological possibilities in them. Often impractical and making no sense, a step down from what is actually used in the real world but interesting in one way or the other.

Outside, Spiderman was crawling up the side of the school. He didn't look real. He looked like bad 1990s CGI, all shiny and plasticky with stiff animation. I demanded to know why he didn't save Rocky Raccoon, if he's such a hero. He shrugged and told me that this is my story, he's not part of it, he's just the friendly neighborhood wall crawler. He then shot some web and swung off into the night.

I sought out my Dad, who comforted me and talked me through the ordeal. He offered to take me camping on a lake. But on the way, there were these strange metal bridges. Not even designed for cars, they were like bare metal arches with steps (like a staircase) jutting out from either side.

Exclusively designed for people on foot, for some reason. I saw hikers carefully crossing these bridges through the fog, which was so thick as to make anything beyond perhaps a hundred feet or so impossible to make out. We couldn't go any further because of it, unless we left behind the safety of the car and continued on foot. I was unwilling to, so the dream ended.

Stay Cozy!


What a dream, all along I was trying to figure out what the source of the dream was but everytime I appeared to have a clue , it fades away between the lines so I conclusively assumed it’s as a result of
• Ebike hiking
• The little robot series
• The adventure of the stick man
• Ultimate zoo challenge

What a dream you had

Oh huh, this makes a lot of sense.

Oh really? It’s just my own interpretation of the dream

@alexbayman, this sounds like a very deep dream between saving racoon, spiders and having to cross the bridge with a fog... thanks to his dream experience... I love this story.

To come back to the past with a special time-travelling E-bike just to see the same tragedy right before your eyes.
If the teacher would ever think about touching my raccoon - she is a dead meat. I'll make a huge hamburger out of her and feed to starving wolfs.

One hell of a dream, hahaha creativity in the dreams as well. What are you Alex ?

Amazing dream. Reminds me of my amazing dreams but yours is even more amazing. Do you have lucid dreams? The more detailed my dreams are, the abler I am to become lucid, but I don't last much there because I don't know how to control them.

I do remember a lot of my dreams, though. I used to write them and have written pages and pages. I become lazy sometimes because I have to spend around 40 minutes typing in order to get the basic structure of it, and then i have to rewrite it to have it make sense of the readers (and for future me).

Whao, your sneak view of the future is amazing my friend, from Ebike having windows to Racoon being a mascot. As funny has it seems, its something i look forward to, at least it shows humanity will last that long. Lol

And I thought my dreams were weird... Anyhow.. did you manage to see the price of bitcoin when you were in the future? Any news on what we should buy by then? :D

It almost sounds like a lucid dream!

We had to synchronize our watches for some reason, like in a spy movie. Then we'd each play a different role in the mission.

Lmao 😂😂this is soo typical you!, your dream is interesting o, lol, but it didnt end well now, you should have gone back to bed, maybe redream the dream, its yet to make sense, because the Racoon died anyway, which wad supposed to be the ultimate conquest init? Lol

Interesting time traveling dream. You must have visited far away future since your ebike was so old fashioned. Unfortunately you were not able to save Rocky Raccoon. These animals are at some point cute and very smart if you look at them from the different point of view. Many people don’t like them for whatever reason. Interesting and very detailed dream. Especially when you were not able to cross the bridge. I bet it has some kind of meaning. Because dreams sometimes do have a meanings.

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