Collective Insanity - Howard's Dream Journal #1

Here's a new idea: let's share our whacky dreams which we feel comfortable with and will be entertaining or insightful to others, maybe under the #dreamjournal tag. In some indigenous tribes folks would gather around the fire and share their dreams from the previous night for various mystical and therapeutic purposes.

Now on to my dream, which is fragmented at the beginning, but I've managed to reconstruct it to some degree except for two gaps in the narrative. It was all very cinematic in perspective. Mainly from a fly-on-the-wall or shoulder camera view.

Like most dreams it begins somewhere in the middle, likely taking place several years ago. I had been chainganged by some old friends, riding in a car with them in the front passenger's seat as we drove down a pitch-dark country road as I held on to (what Urban Dictionary calls) "the oh shit handle" as I watched myself and the car from over my own shoulder. Not that I felt unease or in danger, I was happy to be with my friends. One of them told me they had a drug of some kind - one of those which would keep you awake for at least 10 hours due to it's psychedelic potency. I expressed my reluctance to join them in the adventure as I've decided off of such things, but more importantly it was almost near midnight and I valued my sleep.


Next memory I have, we're all tripping. Likely LSD25. Were we outside? Inside? Did we make it to our destination? I'm not sure because it was all dark. All I remember is extreme disassociation with the normal every-day consciousness and the conviction that I and some others get on such a substance: "I'm never going to come back. I will be insane FOREVER." I could see my friends, wandering like mental patients in the dark, so I knew they were in the same condition. Did we take something bad? I remember distinctly petitioning one of the Old Gods to return us to our sanity - was it Cu Chulainn, the great warrior? Dian Cecht, the physician of the Tuatha dé Dannan? No idea, but he appeared above and before me and sternly told me that we have made our decision and will have to live it out.


What came next was the scene of a dining room table, with a mix of food and candy laid as if for a mid-teen. I, sat on one end, looking out my own eyes to see 5 others sat with me - two flanked on each side and a much taller and familiar face (currently a friend in my life) right across at the other end. He passes a rectangular gift box along his right to be passed to me. I open it and dip my hands in, telling my friends how happy I am to be so honoured. Them smiling and laughing in-kind. It was then that my perspective left my body to show me a scene as if out of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - a rec room in a mental asylum with my perspective facing the door to see three female orderlies peering in, bemused by whatever they were seeing. My perspective changed to follow them from over their shoulder into the room, towards a table of uniformly dressed inmates sitting around a table to take away an empty grey box and several plastic cups filled with nothing but water. As they walked away, half bemused and half in solemn resignation over our condition, we continued to celebrate our collective delusion without even noticing they were there.



Haha I also thought about sharing my dreams :P

You should. It's fun to share and read the weirdness. If you're like me and you can't write fiction, the dreams can write it for you.

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