Dream Logic! This is The Reason You Die in Car Accidents in Dreams

in #dreaming7 years ago

"I dreamt that I died in a car accident, what does that mean?" This is the question I'm asked the most when it comes to dreaming, and I do have an answer- but it might not be one you want to hear.


What Do I know about dreaming?

Now, I don't claim to be a professional or any authority of the sort when it comes to your night time experience, but I have logged over 50 of my dreams, did "experiments with friends" that included lucid dreaming, induced sleep paralysis, dream walking and using Uberman's Sleep Schedule to name a few. I've also blogged several instructional tutorials back in the day on HubPages, so naturally a lot of my friends would ask me if "the me" they saw in their dreams was actually me, or give rundowns of their dreams looking for symbolic meanings. This is the most asked question of them all, and since no one's posted this information anywhere else (including me)- I'll be the first to answer the question to this nightmarish anomaly that happens to so many people.

There's no symbolic meaning to why you die while driving in dreams, it's something else entirely!

What Goes in A Dream

Usually, it's your most predominant thoughts of the day, week, or something recent, maybe the future- but that's being optimistic... or clairvoyant. When you have false awakenings, it's always at the last place you fell asleep in, and if you're sleeping somewhere unfamiliar, you're setting yourself up for sleep paralysis and possible nightmares to follow. The things we think about most, is what shows up in our dreams.

You may be thinking, @shello, I don't dream of dying in carnal wreckage on the daily... but you still do, more than you think. Remember that a-hole who cut you off on your way home from work today, that didn't use his blinker? Or that guy speeding down the freeway at night, who's just asking for an accident? What about that drunk driver in the news the other day, that was horrible, and no one should be doing that. How can I be so confident that there's no symbolic meaning, and nothing more than you spending a lot of time on the road?

Well, you see... I've never had a car crash nor died in one in a dream. In fact, I'm actually a great driver, more like a racer... even a drift king c;


If you see it all the time, It's bound to happen somewhere

But how can this be? If I have been actively keeping up with dreaming for so long, how has this not happened to me? Funny thing, I don't know how to drive in real life. I don't even have my permit. The amount of time I spend thinking about driving, whether actively or passively is significantly less than someone who actually drives.

What this tells me is that when I dream, and I'm driving a car- my brain will fill in what I think is supposed to happen. If I'm stunt driving, while others are crashing, something's up. I'm not on the road, and I don't know about all the dangers, so I don't encounter them. I don't think about possible accidents at all when I'm awake, so why would I think about them when I'm asleep?

Think about the guy who spends so much time, day and night there, where his dreams start taking place at work. You know this guy, you might be this guy. When you are around it enough, and think about it enough, it will appear. This is not prophetic, and the only meaning is that you drive or have driven a lot in the past.


The One Place I Die Every time

I have more dreams of dying in an elevator than I'd like to admit sometimes, but hopefully my backstory of why this happens to me, can shed some light on this whole fear and deaths in dreams thing.

I catch the elevator more than most people. When I was 2 until 22, I lived in a high rise apartment building with my parents. Big windows, on the 12th floor. It doesn't help that I am deathly afraid of heights. As I type this from my 31st floor apartment in Waikiki, I can already feel my stomach churning, recalling all the incidents. By explaining this, the driving thing should make a lot more sense.

I have never once survived walking into an elevator in dreams. I will die, without fail. I'm obviously still here, so the symbolic meaning goes out the window. When I was younger, I got trapped in an elevator and the inner doors only opened and it moved a little more up- and completely opened between floors. Being an adolescent, I was scared out of my wits. What's more is that every building I've ever lived in has some kind of story of a haunted elevator that drops floors. Even with my one incident that only lasted for a couple of minutes, I still had to catch elevators every single day, several times a day.

I think about elevators, as much as people think about driving. As a result, every time I walk into a dream elevator something is wrong. Sometimes there's no floor, or it breaks away as the car is moving. Sometimes it will turn on it's side and jerk suddenly, if I had a dollar for every time the cable snapped. This might sound horrible to you, but the reason why I always die in elevators in my dream, is because I'm always in them when I'm awake.

Can Dreams Cause Irrational Fears and Scarring?

Yes they can, but hopefully after reading this post, you will have a little more insight on why we dream what we do, and can overcome it. What happens in a dream shouldn't dictate what happens in your waking reality, unless it's something you can fully embrace. If you have any dreaming questions, feel free to ask!

Sweet dreams everyone!

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dream is a strange stage

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