A Day Dreamer and A Night Thinker

in #dreamers7 years ago (edited)

A Day Dreamer and A Night Thinker

What does it mean to be a Day Dreamer?

Well, it is practically living life a bit out of this reality, which means anywhere you are walking, you are visualizing and projecting yourself to where you want to. Once you start treating your future as the manifestation of the present, your future begins to change for you, just because you are asking for it everyday.

It doesn't matter if you have bad or weak moments, because what you believe will remain on your way where your focus is. I really can't believe how important is to take care of your future today, for your future to take care of you tomorrow.


What does it mean to be a Night Thinker?

Thinking at night allows you to create and develop ideas that you have manifested during the day. In other words, you are creating strategies for the reality you want to happen. It is VERY important to take advantage of your time because you will never get it back.

Night time allows you to fly with your mind, that is why people love to read at night. All I want to say is to not waste any time with what does not feed your mind in a good way. We have several options now to watch what we decide to watch online. We have all the information and possibilities with the click of a button and there are not excuses.

Guide your night and Day to become a Day Dreamer and a Night Thinker. Many blessings to all of you.


"The power of your words depends on the power of your actions"
"Save yourself, Your Life Is 100% Your Responsibility"
"Make your future bigger than your Past"
"Take care of your dreams today, so your dreams take care of you tomorrow"
"Your kindness will always return to you in any way, shape or form"
"If you want to get an education, just travel the world"
"Beautiful things in life are beautiful, because they were hard to achieve"
"Love everybody the same way you love yourself. If you don't love yourself, you have no one to love"
"You change the world by changing yourself and providing a little bit of kindness everyday"
"Never look down on someone, unless you are helping them up"
"Take care of your body, so your body takes care of you"
"You can't give others what you don't have; If you do, you're giving part of yourself"
"Embrace your dream with passion and love, and money will come after you"

Stay blessed.



You are right for better future we need to think in the present.
We need to workhard in the present to make our future bright :)

very true! :)

@javybar, Absolutely greatest content included awesome blog post this time. I'm much salute given to you coz you encourage me every day every time. During daydreams, we are slightly detached from our immediate situation. That can mean we are more receptive to ideas generated within our subconscious.

What does it mean to be a Night Thinker?

Actually night time is very silence time. If you want to mind clear with remove stress sure you can get it. No worries needed. Night time can meditate easily. Our thoughts every time being changing. It's positive and negative. But night time if you can meditate deeply, can find positive way and across those positive thoughts succeed way.

Great thoughts my friend, night and day thinking is totally up to us the way to do it. It is out own perception of everything. My opinion could feel different than yours or others. Just think big and create your reality the best way possible. :)

I agreed with your opinions as you said here @javybar. Sometimes the daydream itself can be therapeutic. Like playing a film in our heads, daydreams can change our mood they can relax or entertain us. Being able to revisit a daydream that makes us feel safe or happy can help us endure a situation that may be difficult to change in reality.

I totally agree my friend, thank you very much :)

That's best motivation content @javybar. If people are asked to daydream about the past, for instance, they tend to forget what they were doing before the daydream started, according to previous research. I guess night and morning time to better thinking.

That happens a lot actually. Thank you very much my friend :)

Hola javybar , solo tengo para decirle .
Mi hijo y usted , cada dia me vuelven mucho mas maternal .
Como digo yo , TAN LINDO, TAN LINDO.

Awww muchisimas gracias. Mi madre murio de Cancer hace 6 años y pues le agradezco mucho ese aprecio maternal. Gracias!

@javybar , una madre nunca se reeplanza , pero usted me inspira estos sentimientos , no se por que , tengo un hijo , en steemit es dim753 , y doy mi vida por el , sin dudar , permitame mimarlo a usted tambien .
Que el señor me lo acompañe

Claro que da la vida por el, porque no? lo Mas preciado que puede haber. Creo que si me busca en FB me encontrara (javiob1403). Saludes! @martha75

Wise words, my friend, it is very important to think and think about what is happening in the day and analyze it at night, because only in this way is truth and right decisions born! We need to become a thinker of day and night, only so we can find the way to the top of our dreams! Thank you @javybar

you are right dear.. Because everybody have a dream but some get success and some get failure but who fixed his mission, his dream comes true. thanks to sharing good motivation thought..very great thought..dear..friend. @javybar

Life is like a mission, we need to accomplish it the best way possible, thanks my friend :)

We can only do the best we can, keep it up!

an article that is very inspiring and useful. We should be able to take the best possible time to design our future. think at night for your tomorrow because at night is the best times to think about the future. Let's get the successful life

Thank you! Awesome

It is wonderful words @javybar. I agree with you the night is yhe best time to think and plan about our future.

true story :)

@javybar "A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.
Thanks for share.

Dream and think is essential in our life... You give us an amazing sophisticated content ..Thanks for such good inspiring and motivated content @javybar

thank you very much :)

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