"Bus accidents and my dead father, all in one dream" - dream interpretation

in #dream6 years ago

The Dream

I am 33 years old. My father died a few months ago.

In the afternoon I dreamed that I was riding on a bus in the town where I grew up and on the side of the road there was a metal bench. The bus driver bumped into the bench and moved it to the middle of the road. Afterward, he kept driving. I looked out the window and saw another bus colliding with a private car and turning it over. Then I came home and saw my mother and my older sister sitting, I said hello and they did not answer. I saw my father sitting on a sofa with a blanket and warming up next to an oven. I came up to him and asked how he was and he showed me his swollen leg and told me it's because he'd walked a lot. I'm about to kiss him and he holds out his head and I kiss and hug him. Then I asked him to lie down on the sofa to massage his legs. Afterward, I told my brother about the accident I had seen and he replied "why does one need to tell bad things? " and I answered, " in life, there are also bad things that we need to know about."

And so the dream ends.


Credit: pixabay

My interpretation

The first part of the dream reflects a thought within you that your personal life may not be going on as it should, and God forbid, it may cause something bad to happen (the "bad" is something you perceive to be negative, because when you share your thoughts with your brother, who symbolizes a wiser part, he dismisses this point of view).

You seem to be at some crossroads in your life and you are afraid that if you choose the less logical, more spiritual/intuitive, more harmonic (and less dualistic) route you may be hurt. The "evil" thing that you are so afraid of is your concern to be harmed, your economic stability, what anchors you to the reality (symbolized by the metal bench). You are concerned by what people might think of you (symbolized by the greeting to our mother and sister that was not answered). Are you involved, for example, in any legal dispute? Maybe someone else from the family is?

Your deceased father symbolizes the spiritual world, and it seems - I say so cautiously - that until now you were cut off from the inner spiritual world (not religious!) as if it took an effort on your part to reach you, emotionally wise (symbolized by the long walking).


Credit: pixabay


Almost two months ago I delegated 3000sp to five steemians. These delegations will end in a week time. In the next and last round of delegating I will divide those 3000sp in the following manner:

  • One of those five steemians will continue to have the sp for another month. I ask the steemians that were delegated (@purpledaisy57; @malloryblythe; @ireneblessing; @melvadg; @yohan2on) to choose one of their colleagues, among the five, that should receive that privilege. Your decision, if any, will be appreciated by July 21st.
  • Another 600 sp I will delegate to the Israeli community user, @steem-il
  • The other three segments of 600sp each will be delegated to three of you: @leahlei; @milano1113; @alexaventuria (please confirm that you want the delegation). These delegations will last for a month or so.

Good Luck to you steemians and I hope the past and future delegations helped and will help you in Steemit 💪



@nomad-magus If it were allowed to nominate myself I would because I still would like to help my group move up and the other selected steemians I regularly upvote. But if not I would like to nominate @ireneblessing because I think she is doing goodworks and I love her posts on religion and sayings. Thank you very much for this rare opportunity of having a 600 delegation.

Thanks, @purpledaisy for this and am truly happy that you really appreciate the work am doing on the steem blockchain.

where do we put our choice? I wish I could say me but I will think and check them out before I decide I do have one in mind but will see. thanks so much for the privilege of have the delegation. It helped a lot for my group members and myself.

You can write your choice here.
Thank you for your great writings and community work 🙏

Thank you again for all of your help! I haven't been able to post much the last few weeks (first because I got sick, and then in the past couple weeks since I've been sick, I've been catching up on a lot of IRL stuff). Since I haven't been able to commit my full attention to posting, I'd like to pull my name out of the running. I nominate @yohan2on for keeping the delegation. :) Thanks again for everything.

Thank you and be well 🙏🙂

The father was very instrumental figure in the life of every human being. Because of his father's death, the dream will definitely make people experiencing him felt very sad and devastated. In fact, even though it was only a dream, it is not uncommon to people experiencing her up crying sniffle – sedu.

Congratulations to the recipients of the delegates, may be used properly, and can promote their accounts.
Thanks for this My teacher @nomad-magus

Good day @nomad-magus, this is a great privilege. ❤ I am so happy for this delegation.😊 Thank you very much for choosing me. ❤ The positivity and love is overflowing, I can't contain my happiness. You are really a gift to the community. Again thank you from the bottom of my heart.❤😊

👍 Most welcome.
The delegation will be done by the end of the month.
Wish you a successful month 😊

Thank you so much for this delegation @nomad-magus!😊❤

You are concerned by what people might think of you (symbolized by the greeting to our mother and sister that was not answered).

I didn’t thought about that. But trying to think it through, it makes a sense. While reading this dream I thought since his father had past away, he just misses him and his subconscious makes him dream about him. Perhaps he doesn’t feel he took good enough care of him or he doesn’t feel he spent anough time with him, that’s why he cares so much in his dream. All these accidents could mean living in a bit of a chaos, but you already mentioned it at some point.

BTW: I gladly accept your delegation 😃. It has been really privilege to get to know steemiens like you.
Thank you!

👍 The delegating will be done by the end of the month.
Thanks for the kind words 🙂

a very interesting story, just as you say, do not tell a bad thing to someone else. because it will make him anxious and can happen that is not good for his life, just save the story.

Sorry for the rather late response!

I would wholeheartedly accept the delegation gift of yours, in all humbleness.

I haven't been commenting so much lately, because there are some major changes about to take place in my life, whilst in the dream state on June 18 I was getting the message that 'the production will take two more months', like in a movie where events culminate and are about to swing the pendulum in one direction or the other. What that means for me is to not engage in any duality thoughts as to possible outcomes but to embody and be aware of my inherent Unity.

Soon I will comment more often again! :)

Looks like exciting times are coming for you.
The delegation will be done by the end of July 👍

Can we say that dreams are our inner voices? They reflect our current situation but in a prophetic way we just have to understand and open our inner self. You taught me how to find real joy in my dreams and I bring that happiness in my wake state. Again thank you for this @nomad-magus. 😊❤

This is great.
Life is about joy and I do hooe that people who come to my blog realize that all is well. As you do. No matter how difficult an experience is in life, at the bottom of it there is great wisdom, much love, and an opportunity for growth. 🙂

I totally agree and I also hope this too, maybe in time they'll come to realize it.😊

I heard some people say that what you dream is the opposite of what will happen. So sometimes if I dream of something bad I just tell myself that it won't happen. I wonder??

There are really no rules except that in 99.98% of the cases there are really no bad dreams. :)

I guess you can say that. dreams are just dreams something that may come true or not

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