A gold ring in the shape of a crown - a dream interpretation

in #dream6 years ago

The dream

Some background info - I moved to a new job place two months ago. A few days before I left the old job, I had a dream about a guy who worked with me in the old office, a bachelor, six years younger than me. We weren't in a relationship and i was not attracted to him.

I dreamed that I wake up in a double bed with the guy who worked with me, the room has a strong lamplight, I see that I have a gold ring on my finger in the shape of a crown.

Continue with the background info - I am a single woman of 35, in the new office, there is a guy who resembles the guy I dreamed of and worked with me in the previous office. Of course, I did not know that before I came to the new office. I am deeply in love with the guy in the new office. We are really good friends and sometimes meet after work and sometimes have sex. The new guy is named Shlomo (who was a king in the Bible - perhaps this is what the ring symbolizes?) It should be noted that the new young guy is seven years younger than me, a womanizer and we are not a couple (formally). Is this a prophetic dream?


credit: Mark deJong

My Interpretation

The dream clearly reflects your yearning for a relationship that is now directed at the guy you are in love with. Since he is "new" in your life, you use the image of the guy from the previous job to represent him. It seems, from your own words, that the feelings are one-sided, and in the dream you are asked to choose.

The dream presents this duality with which you struggle in your life. It describes waking up in a double bed when the room is lit. It is the light of consciousness, the inner light. But next to you is a guy in which you are not in love (the guy from the previous job who represents the famous guy with whom you have an informal relationship). You wear a gold ring in the form of a crown, to teach you that you are a queen, that you deserve the best, that you deserve all that your heart desires.

From now on you have to choose - will you choose to be a queen or to be in a relationship with someone who does not love you and cannot commit to you? The two things do not fit together. One cannot be whole, love and be loved as long as one chooses experiences that are less than one's real value (= the golden ring).

Good luck!


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