Dream Log #001

in #dreamlast year

I had a dream about America being a 3rd world country or close to it and it took some time for it to be built back up to med size economy. From what I understand it was a war but not a nuclear war. I suspect it was an internal war however I'm just guessing from what little information I can recall. I remember asking if it was a nuclear war and the answer I can remember (not a clear answer) was that it wasn't an all out nuclear war. This leads me to suspect some nuclear bombs was used maybe a 2 or 3 but this confuses me because I thought if a nation send over a nuke to another nuclear country it would strike back with full force. I couldn't hear the full answer as it seems to be obfuscated in some way. So the good news is people still lived through it but I'm sure to many died, methinks one death is to many. I remember telling the people in my dream that i thought something like this was going to happen because of the way things were going, the corruption and abuse of the system against the people.

In this dream I understood It wasn't me or I was looking through someone else's eyes, perhaps another probable dimension. The reason why I say another probable dimension is because the tech wasn't the same, I think they where in the future and already knew a lot of what I was talking about. When I talked about other dreams that I was in the future that had space ships and what looked to be a star gate(like SG1 TV show) laying on the ground flat while the ship dropped off cargo/picked up cargo. The ship made me dizzy and I fell over from losing my balance. My guess Is our minds aren't used to seeing big moving objects moving in space and had a hard time adjusting our balance? They see surprised when I explained I go to other dimensions often, every night perhaps. Sometimes I can remember 2 to 4 dreams a night while others I can't recall but apart of a dream. When I dream I get to a stage that I'm both awake and still sleeping so I ask questions to better understand whats going on.

I try to explain to them about what I know about the universe, How big is it, I explain that if you mean how big is space from a 3D perspective its calculation can't be put into terms to understand but when I can tell you is that what we think of all space is just one big bubble or a cell with everything in it and if you step back even more you will see many cells that are alike our bubble. Isn't it funny how things repeat in nature? If you was to look at what makes everything from Quarks and Leptons would the standard but from what I learned it goes one level more to a type of energy cell, at the time of learning this it was thought that it was one of many different kinds of energy cells should we have the ability see how this energy cell was made. I had the impression that everything was made up of many types of energy and we interact with space in an energy action/reaction. I would like to add that the structure of the energy cell was in a grid with rows that is spaces apart in what seem to be an equal distance from each other taking up all 3 dimensions of the grid, it was all I could see. My guess is that it goes beyond the 3 dimensions to what i concluded 12 dimensions but this is just a hypotheses.

I hypothesize that as every thing is made up of energy it is estranging information in a mathematical predictable way however when an intellectual entity acts and reacts with anything it changes the entities perspective thus making it see like we are creating something new or making a choice by our own will. While it is true we have free will to a degree we are still with in a system that has already created that choice and you are just experiencing this information as we go down that path. It is space and as it is probable it exist.

This would also suggest that you can gain control over how you path through space and experience what you want rather than go down the path of least resistance experiencing the negative side of what exist. I remember someone said that its the bad that shapes who we are in life and i couldn't help to think who I would be should I have experience all of life's lessons in a positive way that I would be a better person and on a better path.

People don't understand how powerful they really are and the abilities they have should they believe in this line of thinking. It would make superman look like a child. Flying, creating (changing the way you interact with space), changing your body height, weight, eye or hair color, facial details, health, wealth, happiness, the ability to heal others to anything you can imagine should you gain full control over your abilities should you allow and accept that belief and possibility of your self.

“Belief is one of the most powerful organic forces in the multiverse. It may not be able to move mountains, exactly. But it can create someone who can.

People get exactly the wrong idea about belief. They think it works back to front. They think the sequence is, first object, then belief. In fact, it works the other way.”
― Terry Pratchett

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