River Tour

in #dream6 years ago

After a small event with a group of people, everyone left except for one female, she stayed behind to talk to me about something, after a short conversation as I am leading her to a door I tell her we should "do it" someday, she hints that she was hoping the moment would be now and for that reason stayed behind.

Immediately we rush to the bedroom and get her naked. As we're about to start having sex, I feel a sudden urge to shit and with each passing second more and more of poop comes out. I tell her I need to go to the bathroom and bolt out of the bedroom.

When I come back a new group of people already there and I realize that it's a military barrack and we are part of it.

While everyone is getting ready, I started to talk about the river nearby and catamarans on them available for rent when our superior heard and offered me to go there with my girlfriend. I was really surprised since normally we weren't allowed to leave the barracks.

Girlfriend decided to stay while a friend and another female wanted to go. At first river was blocked off by barriers but further down it was open and could be easily approached. We started walking on the shore and got to a point where only way to the other side was to cross the river on either side.

To the left seemed like the most shallow and had a wood boat submerged except for the nose just few meters of where water line started. I walked in to grab it to pull it out. At that time a family on the other side were sitting in the catamaran and they weren't able to pass further to the obstruction that I was dealing with.

They asked how deep the water was and if it was more than 15 feet, I told them it was at most 6 and now that I moved the obstruction they could easily move forward.

We made our way to the other side and I realized we were next to 3 ponds that I swam in when I was a child. They looked much smaller than I remember. I tried telling my friends but they didn't seem to care and we started to head back since we were supposed to be back by 6pm.

On the corner not far from the barracks was a service station and the owner of it asked if I could help him with the signage. I went ahead to clean it but no matter how much I wiped the foam would not go away, which made it take longer than it should have.

When I finally got back to the barracks thinking that our superior would be mad for me coming late, instead he didn't mind since I helped another person and that he was notified by my friends regarding my situation.

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