Imagining Fear

in #dream6 years ago


Not sure how we got there, but we're driving in the car on an empty highway running from something. Looking behind I don't see anything but car is speeding up nonetheless.

We've hit a curb and car threw itself over the road bank falling down the cliff.
It's taking a bit of time and for sure I am thinking we're going to die.

As ground is nearing, I see roads are flooded and we smashed into meters of water, roof first.

Up the hill walking towards the building, I notice large eggs. I tell the person I am with that those are dinosaur eggs, specifically belonged to Teradyxel.

After examining them for few minutes I get a sense of urgency to run into the building or else we'll be eaten. As we slam the door behind us is when a roar and bangnig on the door came from outside.

No matter how much deeper into depths of the building we've gone, whatever was chasing us was just behind the door.

We've now on the top floor, trapped in the small room with a single window. I go first to attempt to climb into room next to it from outside and can't seem to catch my grip to pull myself up. I ask for help but other person is too distraught to do anything.

Another hit at the door and this time a hole is punched thru and and arm is reaching from outside.

As I am slowly pulling myself up into another room I came to realization that it was all a fantasy and that it is our imagination that was chasing us all along.

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