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RE: Lightning Dream Work: Let all men respect a loaded gun!

in #dream6 years ago

I'm probably not the right dream partner in this case (not even sure if I know what I'm doing), but since I'm here, I'll give it a go. I will try to overlook the obvious humorous possibilities here. :)

If this were my dream, I am particularly curious about:

The abrupt and rather disconcerting changes from a church dance, to getting ready for the next adventure and then being hauled off to jail.

Three seemingly separate and disparate events, woven into one dream. Are they connected somehow? Is there anything in reality that might be driving such a dream?

And why the 50s setting? What does the past (and before I was even born), have to do with this?

Those would be the main things that I would be curious about, along with just how specific and detailed it was.


Thank you, Glen! This game always works and is so much fun to play :) Does mean we have to be vulnerable in sharing--both as the dreamer and partner, so thanks for being brave.
I hadn't even thought about the abruptness of church dance/next adventure/jail time and that is helpful. I do have lot's of bathroom/toilet dreams and have started to associate these with emotions so getting changed in a crowded bathroom probably means the surrounding emotions are difficult.
Yes, in real life you could say I am in a transitional phase--not working much, not sure of next move, my children getting older....
Yes, and the fifties. What are those old, family expectations I'm enforcing on myself?
Your response gives me much more to consider.
Want to share one of yours and I'll give it a go?

Well, I'm glad I gave you something to think about.

I don't really remember dreams I have. When I do, it's kind of an event. I wrote about the last one about two months ago. If you want, you can read it here. Since it's older, there's nothing else you can really do with it but comment on it if you'd like. One other person took a crack at it in the comments. I found her points intriguing.

Since I go into other things at the beginning, feel free to skip down to the dream itself.

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