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RE: Restless - A Story of Academic Failure

in #dream6 years ago

It suggests to me you may feel unprepared to handle some problem you're trying to solve -- or that you feel overwhelmed by a situation you're facing. That you're seeking a counselor's help may say you're open-minded and ready to accept suggestions or help. (Have you tried opening or fortifying the spiritual / psychological parts of your life? Connecting with that "something greater than you are" who could possibly help?)

I have recurring dreams on a similar theme. It's the week of final exams ... and I suddenly discover I have one scheduled for that day in a class I forgot I was taking. (It's always some kind of science or math or statistics class.) I haven't attended the class once all semester. I don't even know what building it's in. I have to go to the registrar's office in the administration building to even get that much information. That's the point where I always wake up.

(This dream setting always takes place at Texas Tech, the first college I went to in the years just before a pivotal change in my life.)

I see this dream as saying I'm not really "prepared" to deal with a world based on logic, quantifiable "problems," rote learning or often meaningless "organization." I'm often amused to see that scientists, "poll numbers," and other left-brain features often make these bald, flat statements of "fact" like they've got a monopoly on truth -- and later these turn out to be only part of the picture, if not outright wrong.

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

In my dreams though I'm not alarmed and depressed like you are. More annoyed with myself for not dropping the class early on.


Thank you for stopping by and leaving a response. My faith is an important part of my life. I also try to strengthen my mind and soul. But admittedly my family and I have experienced a lot of change lately.

I will be sure to think through the general nature of the classes the next time this happens. That is an interesting point.

This reoccuring dream does disrupt my sleep because I wake up more tired than when I went to bed. Thanks for stopping by. Much appreciated!

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