Altered Reality: My Recent Dream Adventure

in #dream5 years ago (edited)

Ever had trouble falling asleep? Want to have more interesting and memorable dreams? Do you like bridging the gap between dreams and reality? Do you enjoy the sensation of heightened reality where it is difficult to determine if you are awake or not?

Read on, and I'll share my recent dream experience with you. I also include various esoteric symbols that appeared in my recent dream, which may or may not have philosophical/scientific/historical meanings related to the altered reality inside my dream. Perhaps it will aid you in making your own dream experience more of a thrilling experience to look forward to. Even for the strongly religiously devoted people in this world, I do not see any harm in exploring occult and esoteric matters, so long as it exists in pure thought and dreams only. For people less restricted by dogmatic rules on thoughts and words, I encourage you to do your own research on these things and talk about any item that might fascinate your curiosity.

How I Started to Dream...

Last night a vision came to me just as I was about to fall asleep. I was starting to think the same thoughts I recalled from recent memory. It was like unlocking a piece of my memory that was hidden from me before. A secret resource within the mind outside of my conscious awareness was being revealed. Like a song I had long forgotten years ago, and suddenly all the words come back to me like I had sung it a million times, including yesterday, even though I knew I had not.

The concept of this idea is very simple, and easy enough to teach for others to learn from. Allow me to explain.


A Key

Imagine a key.

Think of any interesting shape for a key. Not an ordinary key. The kind of key that unlocks doors unseen in the real world.

For me, I remembered a key I have never seen or held before. How could that be possible? It was a witch's key, I somehow knew. To use a witch's key, it does not work alone. It must be paired with one or two more witch's keys. The interesting thing about a set of witch's keys is that they can be pressed against any hard surface to unlock a door. A paved road, bedrock, or even a metal wall can suddenly be opened up to reveal a dark opening into a witch's cave, a hidden secret location magically sealed beyond the reaches of our plane of existence.

I opened my eyes, with my brain holding onto this newfound knowledge. Still awake and yet mindful of the oncoming dream, I was able to light up my smartphone and quickly google "witch keys" and "witch caves". Strangely the results are very minimal. Witch caves have no historical records. Although they exist in video game walkthrough manuals, they are not considered real things in public folklore. Does that mean they do not exist?

As I searched the google results for witch keys, I learned some witches do practice prayers and spells to a goddess of keys, which I found a bit interesting. There is no known practice of the runic key types I will be speaking about from my own dream discovery.

Opening the Lock

Quickly I resumed my dream sequence. It was quick and easy to do as I lay down in my warm bed and rested my tired eyes once again. By focusing on the shape of the key I was able to easily slip back into a state of rest, and open my mind to the hidden chamber I sought to unlock.

A young companion, a novice witch in my dream was seeking to help me to open the lock to the witch's cave that I knew existed under a section of pavement near a school playground. She had a few different wands she crafted that were made of woven leather, polished wood, bits of rock, and serrated bone.

The ones she wanted me to hold were more like musical instruments that can be shaken like a rattle, or simply felt to instill healing powers within the wielder. We tried pressing the grooved edges of these instruments onto the pavement, but I knew it would not fit the shape properly. The shapes I needed were clear in my mind.


  • A snake side-winding into a single line, with seven curves.
  • A line of seven dots.
  • A simple single bar.

Together these three shapes, when pressed together in equalateral angles to eachother, they should open the invisible lock.


A Companion

Something about the other witch assisting me seemed important somehow. I knew that I would not able to open the portal on my own. For one thing, it would become difficult to operate the three keys with only two hands. The fact that she was a witch did not seem important to me. I only knew that her presence as a companion was an important piece of this puzzle that was now a bit more of a magical ceremony. To have a friend nearby assisting me was part of the key.

The girl told me that I would need to ignite the sacred fire before proceeding any further. She told me the flame must be made from a match, and not from a gas lighter. So she struck a match and lit a white wax candle, and set it beside the keyhole where I knew it to be.

The idea resurfaced to me that this companion witch was a symbolic being. She had manifested from my thoughts to serve my goals. Even though she existed to aid me in discerning how to operate the keys, she also was acting a magical ward. She was protecting me from onlookers and evil that might try to block my attempts. No harm would come to me. Once beyond the seal, I felt that her powers would also aid me as a guide in the void dark, where I would be lost without her presence.

Into the Dark

Knowing that the dream was mine, I manifested the three keys into existence. Three iron wrought keys made of pure thought. I pressed them into the concrete, and just as I envisioned would happen, the pavement opened. A great circular void opened fifteen feet wide around the center of the invisible rune-shaped activator.

It was amazing that a cave opening, centuries old looked so natural here. The concrete beveled edge of the opening joined with the rough hewn stone beneath, making up the cave walls. I wondered why I could not see the outline of the cave opening doorway beforehand. There were no grooves, cracks, or edges tracing this doorway before it opened. No, it wasn't even a seamless perfect join. The concrete was solid, and now it was clearly torn around the edges of the void, as if it had always been that way.

Then it dawned on me that this cave was not part of the same plane of existence. This space, above the void, was made by my conscious mind. Below, it would take me into a deeper dream reality fully outside of my conscious mind. No longer would I be viewing my dream fully awake. Once I enter within, I would be fully asleep. Inside I might be able to interact with the supernatural witch who calls this abode her home. Perhaps she could explain to me what was happening. Perhaps she could bestow parts of her powers to me. What extent might our abilities extend to? Will she tell me? Will I find out?


Source: Pixabay

A Dream Begins...

Afterwards, I found myself the subject of a dream adventure. A playful dream in which I had mostly full control.

Inside a shopping mall with maze-like rail-less staircases spiraling wide around various stores into upper stories and balconies like an Escher labyrinth, I found myself as the hero of a setting that was quickly being torn into ruins. The location was being ravaged by some destructive force, perhaps a fire. The sales clerks working in the mall were not working anymore. They were looting their own stores. In a bizarre twist, they were happily trying on the wares and joking about which jewelry and clothing their family members or girlfriends/boyfriends would enjoy most.

Unconcerned with the trivial matters, I knew it was my job to find my way through the stairs to the upper levels where customers were hiding in a panic, waiting to be set free. None of the elevators would work, in fact, the shafts were torn asunder with the elevators missing. I would have to use the chaotic broken stairs, and become lost in order to find my way. The people in this building I was innately tasked to rescue, perhaps they were trapped by fallen portions of ceiling or wall, or a criminal organization was holding them under threat from dangerous weapons. I think it was a mixture of both, although I did not understand the circumstances as I explored.


Source: Pixabay

Even though pieces of the building could fall apart at any moment, there was no danger to me. My body was not the same as my human form. I was more of a thing than a person. On the floor of the lowest balcony, I recalled mobs of dozens of people trying to rush me and pin me down to the surface, and instinctually my body transformed. It opened up like an umbrella into a lattice frame, like a snowflake spinning. As I spun, the many lacy holes and spokes knocked my opponents down prone. I could close and open at will, constantly spinning to clear all moving obstacles. I spun like a top across the surface of the main floor, spraying aside people and obstacles alike as if they were nothing to me.


Source: Pixabay

And that was not the only power I discovered within myself. Walls were no match for me. As I rolled into a forward somersault, I became like an armadillo with a shell hide, until eventually I became a solid ball of steel. A wrecking ball of destruction I became. I could roll and knock anything out of my path. Stronger foes appeared before me, and they were all pushed aside unable to match the power of my juggernaut momentum. The sheer joy of rolling into a musclehead as he pancakes against my form and I run him over was immense, as was the excitement of bursting at high speed out through a thick concrete wall, leaving a gaping hole behind.

In the end, I felt more like a piece of a puzzle myself, being played over and over, for the simple enjoyment of knocking over various other pieces at play. I did not mind, knowing full well that I was invincible and impervious to pain. Eventually the dream did become a repetitious spiral that would prove to became mentally tiring.

Fully exercised, my mind awoke to the morning light of the world around my bed at home. Refreshed and reminded of the recent events of my dream, I set forth to write about the discoveries I had made.


Source: Pixabay

Conclusion and Reflection

Thank you for reading my about my dream experience. I prefer to tell my dreams and share them with anyone interested in hearing them, no matter how bizarre or pointless they might be.

It is so very strange when caught up in the moment of a dream, everything seems so cosmically important for the future, and then when we wake up it seems so unimportant once we are severed from that state of mind. Instead we often return to our regular worries of health, family, career, money, etc.. In the dreamworld, none of those things matter, only what we can do with the limitless god-like powers at play.

Which existence is preferable I wonder? The real world where we are constantly limited and given a short time in life to carve out a meager existence? Or the dream world where we can do anything, and should expect anything, exciting and frightening as the same time? To live too long inside a dream that is also a nightmare would surely cause madness. To live in a dying world in which we are always beaten down by the harsh chaos nature, this too would also cause madness. Perhaps this is the importance of dreams so we can live with a slightly delusional hope that makes us happy enough to want to persevere in worthy endeavors.

Please share with me if you try to replicate the mental exercise of attempting to unlock a magical door with a magical key as I have done. I might be interested to learn what sort of adventures it led you to.

#philosophy #witch #esoteric #symbols #supernatural #story


Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

You have been curated by @mosunomotunde on behalf of Inner Blocks: a community encouraging first hand content, with each individual living their best life, and being responsible for their own well being. #innerblocks Check it out at @innerblocks for the latest information and community updates, or to show your support via delegation.

Hey there @creativetruth! This was a really interesting read for me. I am not at all amenable to exploring the occult consciously or unconsciously but I really enjoyed your narrative. Please feel free to use the #innerblocks tag on posts that have got to do with you living life. Cheers!

Innerblocks Curator

Thank you @mosunomotunde. I do not practice witchcraft, but I do find it fascinating, and it makes an interesting starting point for a great story.

Thank you so much for supporting my works.

It was my pleasure

Dear Fellow Rescuer,

Thrilled to read how advanced your dream is.

She told me the flame must be made from a match

This summons the right (angelic) help.
The keys will be musical, instrumental and geometric.

What extent might our abilities extend to? Will she tell me? Will I find out?

That is indeed the question, as is the orientation (deeper, higher, 360degrees in how many dimensions?) "They" too struggle to locate us without landmarks (etheric tattoos). The spiral is a safe type of extension but comes at a mind-numbing cost that requries no small feat of discipline and consolidation to get your "head around".

Look forward to more progress reports.

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