Drawing Challenge#3 - My Lemon Drawing 我的檸檬哲學

in #drawingchallenge7 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone, today I am going to share with you my drawing for the drawing contest held by @helene. The topic for the contest is 'fruit' and I have chosen lemon as the theme of my drawing. I believe that most of you would only taste the lemon in the lemon soda or lemon water. But I quite like to eat it directly to refresh my mind and motivate myself whenever I feel exhausted.

大家好,今天我畫了一幅畫參加 @helene 舉辦的畫畫比賽#3,這次的畫作主題是畫水果。這次我選的可能算是比較冷門的水果 - 檸檬。檸檬雖說是水果的一種,但是我相信絕少人會像普通水果般直接食用檸檬,大部分朋友都應該是飲用檸檬水或檸檬茶等等。而我可是在疲累的時候,喜歡把檸檬切成小塊直接的吃,那種沖上腦袋的刺激,每次都讓我打起精神,繼續為我的目標而努力。

Let's start with some interesting information of lemons


Lemon is rich in vitamin C as everybody knows. It is a strong anti-oxidizing agent and could help in skin whitening and slow down the aging process. Some study even pointed out that the vitamins in lemon could help in lowering the blood pressure. In the view of the traditional Chinese Medication, lemon is an agent for detoxification could stimulate the appetite, helping the patient to get healthy by encouraging him to intake nutrition.




Scurvy was once the major illness among the sailors in the 16th Century. It was caused by the lack of vitamin C and it leaded to the difficulty in wound healing. People had no ideas to cure the illness until 18th Century when they found out the solution of adding the lemon juice to the Rums when they had to set sail.



Interesting about lemon

Today, there some interesting things about lemon:
In America, people always name the defective motor or the relevant motor products the 'lemon car'. The relevant law is called the 《lemon law》.
In Cantonese, we will describe the one who is rejected by the girls 'eating lemons'.

廣東話中,人們會形容被拒絕的人「食檸檬」,就是碰灰的意思。如果你追求女生失敗,別人就會嘲笑你「食檸檬」 了。

Source: Wikipedia 1 2

Let's begin the drawing part.

Step 1.
Draw the outline of the lemons with a pencil.


Step 2.
Paint the lemons with pale yellow.


Step 3.
Intensify the yellow color in the shadow part.


Step 4.
Paint the leaves of the lemons


Step 5.
Paint the shadow part of the leaves. Make it more realist.


Step 6.
Add the details and shadow. Done.


GIF for the processes




If you like my post, please upvote, resteem and follow me @kitcat.
如果你喜歡我的帖子,請幫忙點讚、推送及跟蹤我 @kitcat



I really enjoy seeing posts like these. It always helps to boost my spirits and keeps me focused on the things that matter. Great post!

Hmmm, anyway thanks you :D

Haha when you don't want to flag spam because it's too nice xP :D
But good art! really boosts my spirit ;)



你刷牙沒,牙齒不能隨便亂露啊~ XD



I will support you, God bless you, I learn chinese, so if I made some mistakes, then I apologize and keep it
thank you very much

Bonne lecture de votre stratégie! Je pense que sa meilleure stratégie consiste à améliorer et à suivre les autres et ils vous tiendront compte et vous suivront.
Je suis en train de voter et de vous suivre maintenant. J'espère que vous me suivrez également, vérifiez mes messages et voté. fais bon voyage @azziz

This is not bad ! Artistic kit !

Can't compare to you all la haha~Thanks ar ><


you ging d la~><

really u r a great Artest,well done #kit

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